Contact  and Info

Head Coaches:

Scott Henry 

Christina Shurtleff

Assistant coaches:

Annie Brownlee

Samantha Williams

Volunteer Coach: 

Gary Snyder

XC Running Remind for team text messages: Sign up by sending a text to 81010 with the message "@tbirdsrunPro tip for parents (especially if last names are different) is to call your self "so and so's mom" or "so and so's dad" on we know who you are. 

Join Remind for texts (see above)                                              Join East XC on facebook (closed group)

Check this website                         call East Activites at (907) 742-2141  or find them on East High's Activities webpage

Ski Coaches

Head Coach Connor Scher email:

phone:(907)nine-five-two 6105 please only call after looking online or asking your skier. Keep in mind I get inundated with calls and texts in the last 1/2 hour before practice, while I am usually scrambling to get there myself. Assistant coach info listed below.

Team communication

Join Remind for texts (see below)

Join East XC on facebook (closed group)

Check this website

call East Activites at (907) 742-2141  or find them on East High's webpage

Ask skiers what was announced at practice

XC Skiing Remind for team text messages: Sign up by sending a text to 81010 with the message "@tbirdsski" all runners and at least one parent should join this.  note "s" twice. Pro tip for parents (especially if last names are different) is to call your self "so and so's mom" or "so and so's dad" on I know who you are. 

Assistant Ski Coaches: 

Annie Brownlee:

Fiona Worcester:

Germain Thomas:

Gino Graziano: 

Jamie Bronga: +1.907.two-two-nine.8282

Volunteer Coaches:

Gary Snyder:

Jenny Fayette