May 22, 2020

Hello 5th Grade Parents!

Wow- we have reached the end of this wild experience, at least for now. The whole fifth grade team wants to thank you for hanging in there as we all learned to navigate this new world together. Thank you for your support, your feedback, and your encouragement. We are very proud of ALL the progress our students have made this year, and throughout remote learning. We know that everyone experienced it in their own way, and faced their own challenges and successes. We are all ready and deserving of a break!

A reminder that there is no expectation for any more work to be done in our Google classrooms. The classrooms will remain active until the end of June, but all work is finished! You may find that we occasionally will post interesting videos, links, virtual field trips, etc, but ALL of these things are optional to view, and none of them will be connected to work. We are simply providing additional resources for those who may be interested!

A reminder that the 4th quarter is not being graded- we are very proud of all the hard work our students have done, but there will be no actual grades. Their 4th quarter report card will be sent digitally in the beginning of June, and will include comments only for the end of the year. Please do not worry about academics- we will get your child caught up if they are behind, or need additional academic support. More information will be coming from administration at a later date!

We look forward to seeing you all at our drive through Fun Day event, on Friday, May 29th, from 10:00-11:00. See link for more details, regarding drop off, and pick up of personal items. Please also bring your stars to this event, so we can distribute them to the rising 5th graders!

Have a WONDERFUL summer, everyone! We are so thankful for this group of students, and we will truly miss each and every one of them!


Ms. Heather, Ms. Dana, and Ms. Cassie

If you need any additional support or resources over the summer, please email Ms. Lucy at

Here's the link to the Google Photos site, full of fun 5th grade photos!