ArtSpace @ Home

Hello Parents and 5th Grade Families!

Wow. How quickly things have changed! I can tell you one thing for CERTAIN: Ms. Dana, Ms. Cassie, and I all miss our students so much already! We understand the importance of staying home to flatten the curve, but boy, do we wish we could be in class, teaching in person! That said, we're working hard on creating quality lessons and work to engage your children during this time spent at home- work that is directly related to what we would be doing in class if they were here.


Tomorrow, 5th grade parents will be picking up a paper bag filled with your child's books, notebooks, projects, assignments, etc. For grades 5-8, please use the side door/ theatre entrance for pick up. We will also have drive-through options during these times, so you can get your materials without even leaving your car. If you need other accommodations, please let us know.

Pick up times: Wed. 8-10 - 5th grade

In addition, Ms. Beth will open our library during those times for your child to check out two books. Ms. Meg, music teacher extraordinaire, has made instruments available for check out: guitars (grades 5-8) and ukuleles (grades 4-8). If you have requested support in obtaining a device for your child’s tech needs, we will have it available for you during your scheduled time.

Assignments (Click the link!)

Much of our assignments will also be included on Google Classroom, which your kids are logged into already. The Arts team have created a Google Classroom as well, that students should join and be checking regularly for arts assignments. Here are the class codes for the new ELA/SS page (if they haven't already joined), and the new Arts page:

  • ELA/SS: to2izfz
  • Arts: ao6c6qr
  • Ms. Terri's math and/or reading group ONLY: rokbqns
  • If your child hasn't logged into their Math or Science page, please email Ms. Dana)

Please remind students to READ THE INSTRUCTIONS CAREFULLY for ALL assignments!

Work Expectations:

We understand that your child's days will not be running exactly like a school day during this time spent at home. We encourage, as much as is possible, quality family connection time, free choice time, playtime, and rest. That said, our goal is to provide enough work to keep them caught up on their studies, so that when we return, we can jump right back in where we left off.

A general rule of thumb for work time is approximately 30-45 minutes per core class/per day (Math, ELA, and SS or Science (alternate). For Health & Wellness activities, "Class Meeting" times, and Reading/Math group work time, spend about 15-20 minutes on these things!

Any hard copy work should be returned with students when we all return to school. Any assignments given over Google Classroom should be submitted when possible upon completion (directions for submitting work HERE.) (Click the link!)

If your child needs help logging to Google in general, please remind them that their log-in is, for example If they forgot their password, send me an email and I'll get it to you!

Additional Support:

In addition to providing assignments, we'll also share resources for ideas of how to fill your days, organizations offering free learning opportunities, podcast ideas, etc. Some of these will be shared as updates to this page, and some will be shared directly with the kids in our Google Classrooms!

Teacher Availability Schedule (“Office Hours”):

We are working to find ways of communication directly with students (besides the comment feature in Google Classroom!) using various technological methods, such as Zoom and Google Voice. If and when these options become available, we'll let you know!

9:30 am - 11:30 am daily, we will be actively checking email and responding to questions, concerns, issues. . . .

11:30 am - 1:30 pm daily, teachers can decide to have a “live” lesson via Zoom or otherwise conduct interactions such as grading work, working on lesson plans, or responding to questions

Messages sent outside of these hours will be responded to at our earliest convenience. If you or your child need help with any of the assignments we've shared, have questions, etc., please send us an email or encourage them to ask us in the Google Classroom for now.

What if we're out beyond March 30?

Our current assignments are through March 30 only. In the event that this school closure extends beyond March 30, we will be updating Google Classroom with more assignments. It is unclear at this point if there will be further opportunities for picking up hard copy work, so stay tuned if it comes to that!


Our biggest goal right now is to slow the spread of COVID-19, and we all need to do our part however we can! We understand not everyone has the choice to stay home, and we understand that this school closure is a burden on many. We are with you, and we can do this together (but apart). :)

If you or your child needs food, technology support, school supplies, or the like, we are here for you. Please complete this survey and a member of our team will reach out to connect you with what you need. If you would like to contribute in support of another family, there’s a place on the survey for that as well. Community Support Survey

Health & Wellness:

  • Attached is the Vaping Risks Powerpoint for Health & Wellness. Please review this first yourself, then decide how you'd like to facilitate a discussion with your kids. Some activities embedded in the powerpoint will be completed upon returning to school with Ms. Cassie.
  • Vaping Powerpoint