Basketball “All In” Heading into ‘23 Season

Step into the Eagle’s Nest for a Shaw basketball game and the energy is electric: the revitalized program has become a jewel of the school’s athletic program. The team has experienced unprecedented growth: they’re winning more, raising more funds to support the program, and drawing in larger crowds. Their record in the past couple of years is a testament to their talent both on and off the court. Despite this, it takes much more than talent to become a successful team: it requires drive, fraternity, and faith. That’s been the focus of the program under the leadership of Head Coach Wesley Laurendine and the results are evident: last year, the varsity team won their first district championship in 22 years, making it to the final four and coming close to the state championship after a solid performance at the Cajundome in Lafayette.

While Laurendine’s guidance and vision is crucial to the success, it’s the leadership and responsibility of every coach and team member that has made the difference. The team’s current motto is “All in All the Time” and describes their overall mindset: the team doesn’t end after practice or after a game but, rather, continues into their daily lives. The team is also known for acts of charity and outreach in the community.

The momentum continues to build for the 2022-2023 season and is an opportunity for the wider Shaw community to join the team in being “all in all the time”. Fans are encouraged to attend games and spread the word about this stellar program.

Eagles in the Oaks a Continued Success

On October 15th, 2022, Shaw held its annual Eagles in the Oaks event. It has become one of the most well-antended and successful fundraisers for the institution. Many in the Shaw community gave their time and effort, pitching in to help make this event one of the best ones yet.

The event was sponsored by Falcon Law Firm and Russo’s Pharmacy and featured great food and live music. Local restaurants such as Raising Canes, Johnny’s Seafood, Gatusos, and Wingzone provided the seemingly endless spread. Entertainment was also on the menu. Three large displays streamed the LSU vs. Florida college football game while 4x4 Connection, a musical ensemble led by Shaw alumnus Clark Knighten (Class of 1974), provided great music and kept everyone on their feet.

The most anticipated moment of the event was the silent auction. Shaw auctioned off items such as gift cards, a helmet signed by superstar quarterback Joe Burrow, and a day with Fr. Steve Ryan including dinner and a private mass. Major contributors that made a huge impact were Mr. Jason Brown (Class of 1992) and Mr. Steve Daigle (Class of 1985) who both donated not only finacially but were instrumental in setting up during the week preceeding. The event raised over $20,000 to help Shaw continue its expansion and ongoing evangelization of the West Bank.