Sir Peter Blake

The life and times of Sir Peter Blake

Sir Peter Blake was the world’s most celebrated yachtsman. In a 30-year career, he won every significant bluewater race on the planet. He also won and successfully defended the biggest sailing prize of all, the America’s Cup, and slashed the record for the fastest non-stop circumnavigation of the world under sail. He then turned his focus to pursue his passion in protecting and caring for the environment, embarking on a mission to restart people caring for the environment, through adventure, participation, education and enjoyment.

We Are Learning To (WALT) examine Sir Peter Blake's achievements and explain the qualities he had that made him a hero.

Task One: Find the text to read related to your reading group.

Task Two: Reread the story again and think about these questions.

  1. Who is Sir Peter Blake? How would you describe him as a person? What was he known for? What did he accomplish in his lifetime? What motivated him? What kind of person do his actions suggest that he was?

  2. How did Sir Peter Blake show qualities that were deemed 'heroic'? What challenges did he face/overcome? How did Sir Peter Blake overcome these to make a difference?

  3. If Sir Peter Blake was alive, would you follow his lead? Yes/no and why.

Task Three: Record your answers to the questions on paper and use these to guide you to answer the Seesaw activity.

Task Four: Complete seesaw activity titled 'T4, Week 2: Sir Peter Blake' which will be assigned to you. There is a place for you to answer the questions in the activity.

Texts to read:

Waitemata = Blue writing Manukau = Red Writing

Fast finishers

Here's a link to multiple articles and stories about Sir Peter Blake's life, ranging from his childhood, America's Cup races, and his many expeditions.