Cultivating Gratitude

In the hustle and bustle of everyday classroom life, gratitude often takes a backseat. However, the power of gratitude cannot be underestimated in its ability to transform the educational experience for both teachers and students. Gratitude is not just a fleeting emotion, but a mindset that, when cultivated in the classroom, can lead to happier, more engaged students and more fulfilled educators.

Gratitude is closely linked to overall well-being. When students and teachers practice gratitude, they experience increased positive emotions, reduced stress levels, and improved mental health. This emotional well-being provides a solid foundation for effective teaching and learning.

Gratitude strengthens the bonds between teachers and students. When educators express gratitude towards their students, and vice versa, it fosters a sense of belonging and trust within the classroom. This positive relationship dynamic can lead to improved communication, increased student engagement, and a more positive classroom atmosphere.

Gratitude encourages a growth mindset, which is the belief that abilities and intelligence can be developed through effort and perseverance. When students and teachers appreciate their progress and the efforts they put into learning, they are more likely to embrace challenges and view setbacks as opportunities for growth.

This month, our activities focus on District Goal 4, Skills, Habits, & Mindsets for Life Success. Below, you will find several activities that can foster gratitude in and outside of your classroom. 

Remember that gratitude is not just a once-a-year activity during Thanksgiving, but a daily practice that can transform the educational experience for everyone involved. So, start fostering gratitude in your classroom today and watch the positive impact it has on your students' lives!

Blog post by Marissa Bannerman EdTech PLUS team member

Students can create cards for any holiday and then print them or send them digitally to family members. 

Use this template to write thank you notes to family, friends, or teachers!

 Engaging and interactive teaching strategies designed to get you started using EduProtocols lesson frames

Students can use Flip to create short videos to send to teachers or family members to share what they are grateful for. 

Students will listen to a TedTalk and then start tracking their gratitude using a habit tracker in Canva.

Students create a poster that represents what they are thankful for. 

Students use their 5 senses to identify things they are grateful for. 

Google Drawings Holiday Cards

Use Google Drawings to Design Holiday Cards    Grades 6-8

Students can create cards for any holiday and then print them or send them digitally to family members. Using Google Drawings to create cards is fast, fun, and engaging!

Adobe Express Card Making

Thank You Notes in Adobe Express    Grades 9-12

Use this template to write thank you notes to family, friends, or teachers!

EduProtocols Smart Starts

EduProtocols Smart Starts Templates    Grades K-12

EduProtocol Smart Starts for fall are a series of engaging and interactive teaching strategies designed to get you started using the lesson frames and helping the students learn the process and procedure in order to become independent learners.

Sketch and Tell Smart Start Fall Template (Jamboard)

Thin Slides -Smart Start 

Flip Gratitude Videos

Attitude of Gratitude Videos    Grades 3-12

 Students can use Flip to create short videos to send to teachers or family members to share what they are grateful for. Help students show their gratitude in an engaging video format using Flip.

Canva Gratitude Habit Tracker

Canva Gratitude Habit Tracker    Grades 9-12

 In this activity, students will listen to a TedTalk about the connection between being grateful and being happy and then start tracking their gratitude using a habit tracker in Canva.

Keynote Thankful Poster

Keynote Thankful Poster    Grades K-2

 Students create a poster that represents what they are thankful for using the iPad app, Keynote! They’ll use tools like background remover, shape editor, and formatting to complete their poster.

Practicing Gratitude Seesaw Lesson

Practicing Gratitude Seesaw Lesson    Grades K-2

 Teachers use the premade lesson activity in the Seesaw library for students to use their 5 senses to identify things they are grateful for.

Our ultimate goal is to support the Albuquerque Public Schools community with the effective integration of technology. We want all learners to have authentic and self-directed learning experiences in a secure digital environment. If you want EdTech to collaborate with you and your students, please submit a service desk ticket and we will gladly visit your classroom and get your students excited to use technology!

Attitude of Gratitude Hyperdoc