Button: click for information on lost and stolen devices
Button: click for information on security best practices
Button: click for information about passwords
Button: click for security links
Button: click for information about cyberbullying
Button: click for information about extensions, add ons, and apps
Button: click for information about social media
Button: click for information about identity theft and recovery

Turn on Two Factor Authentication (aka: 2FA)

Two Factor Authentication, or 2FA, is an extra layer of security used to make sure that people trying to gain access to an online account are who they say they are. So, even if your password is stolen or your phone is lost, the chances of a someone else having your second-factor information is highly unlikely. 

Note: The easiest way to set up 2FA is to use a cell phone. It is a safety measure and will keep your account safeguarded to a higher degree. You can also use a land line and receive a phone call for your initial verification. If you use a land line phone at your home or office, make sure it is a direct line. And make sure to follow the steps in the video below to print the back up codes. You can print back up codes and leave those in your classroom or office in a secure location. That way, if you don't have access to the land line (or you lose your cell phone), you can use one of the codes when Google asks you to verify who you are. Verifications will be required periodically (though usually not daily) and any time you log into a new device with your APS Google account. Read this article from CNet for more information about 2FA. 

Scroll through the slide deck below to find the 2FA option that works best for you. 

Two Factor Authentification (2FA) Options

Training Resources

4- Cybersecutiry- EXPLORER Canvas Slidedeck

Getting started with Internet Safety

There are some easy things you can do, without purchasing expensive technology or investing a lot of time of reconfiguring your home network, to make your online computing safer. This list is a good starting places and connects to other areas of our site to get more detailed information about each security measure. 

10 Great Free Online Courses in Cybersecurity

Cybercrime is a growing problem for individuals and businesses across the board, and the demand for cybersecurity experts has never been higher. With more enterprises moving to online platforms due to the COVID 19 epidemic, there has been a sharp increase in the need to tighten up cybersecurity measures, creating even more jobs for professionals in the field.

Click here for a list of 10  Free Cybersecurity courses that range from a couple of hours to 4 week programs.

Why Take Free Cybersecurity Courses Online?