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Chromebooks (2-12 Students) - The majority of APS distributed Chromebooks distributed to students will be the 

Dell 5190 2-in-1 and Dell 3100 2-in-1 models.

Button: click for the student chromebook guide in english
Button: click for the student chromebook guide in spanish
Button: click for a video on how to use a chromebook
Button: click for a list of approved chrome extensions


Getting started Chromebooks August 2020

Accessing Google Accounts and Chrome - Student Quick Start Guide April 2020

Chromebook Typing Accents

Chromebook Shortcuts for Students

Chromebook Screenshots and Screen Recordings

Chromebook Accessibility Features 

Chromebook Speak to Text Shortcut - APS Quick Tips #65

Chromebooks - APS Quick Tip #41 - Student Testing Apps

Chromebook - APS Quick Tip #40 - Save photos to Google Drive STUDENTS

Chromebooks - Quick Tip #22- Customize Wallpaper

Google Docs - APS Quick Tip #16 - Built in citation & Bibliography tools FOR STUDENTS

Chromebook Clean Up at the End of the Year