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Canvas Course Request

If you need a Canvas course shell or a course copy, please fill out the Canvas Course Request Form.

ISTE 2019

ISTE Student Portfolio Slidedeck

Build a Teacher Website using Google Sites

Create a parent and student portal. This is an easy way to keep parents in the loop with what’s happening in the classroom. Add announcements and other content that parents want and need. This includes items like teacher contact information, calendar of assignments from Google Classroom, photos and videos from the class, and much more. 

Create a video course/repository using YouTube with your APS Google account. Students often need a refresher on certain topics and curriculum they’ve learned in class. A website with lots of embedded videos that cover these topics is an easy way to provide at-home access to students and allow for parents to engage with their child's learning.  Update your Site regularly to give students and parents a reason to keep coming back!

Student Digital Portfolios

Digital Portfolios are  online collections of learning artifacts to showcase a student’s accomplishments and growth over time. With the convenience and ease of digital tools today, previous paper portfolios can be converted into digital e-portfolios.  

Access templates and other resources at our ISTE 2019 Digital Student Portfolio website.  Visit our Tips & Tricks section of the website for resources on how to get started with Digital Portfolios using Sites with your students.

Contact the Educational Technology team ( for more information about incorporating Digital Student Portfolios at your school or in your classroom. Our team can help individuals and schools plan and implement this with you and your students.

Also, request training from the EdTech team.