Standards and Grading Info
**New Info this semester-All writing assignments must be started on paper and in pen, not pencil. When moving off paper, you must begin in the document that is attached in Canvas. If you being somewhere else and copy and paste, your assignment will not be accepted.***
I try to put in assignment scores in Synergy within a week, whether a student has turned it in or not. Sometimes that will mean an assignment is blank and waiting on me to put a grade in. If there is a 0, the assignment was NOT turned in, and students should submit as soon as possible and/or see me to set a new due date and get help. Papers can take some time to grade, but smaller assignments are usually graded within the week. The best way to check on grades is in Student Vue or Parent Vue. Also, feel free to email me with questions. Students will only turn digital assignments into Canvas, so any overall grade there is not the student’s grade for the class.
English 1/2: Grades are given for practicing skills (formative assessments) and for testing those skills (summative assessments). Most summative assessments in English are papers. Grades are weighted so that 25% of the grade is from formative assessments and 75% is from summative assessments.
9th Grade Inquiry: This class is about preparing students for high school. All assignments are formative. Assignments are not weighted although smaller assignments bear fewer points than bigger projects.
Junior English: Assignments will be formative and summative. Formative assessments (practice) will be worth 20% of the total grade; Summative assessments (tests, papers, larger projects) will be worth 80% of the grade. Most students will need to do the formative assessments to do well on the summative assessments.
Late work policy:
It is important that you are in class and keeping up with the work. If you have had an excused absence that has been cleared with the attendance office, you need to come and see me at lunch or after school to get the work you missed. You may also want to email me. You have one week from the date you were absent to contact me.
In general, there will be a due date for all assignments. If you miss the due date, you will need to come to tutorial to make up what you missed. Please use the website and check in sooner if you can. I will be in M238 on B days at lunch if you want to check with me then. Please realize that some assignments cannot be made up.
Contact Info:
Pam Garrett
I am happy to answer any questions that come up. I always reply to emails within one school day.