Justice Narrative

Justice Narrative: Day 1 

Intro to Social Justice

Day 2

Jigsaw of SJ Stories

Be an Upstander, Not a Bystander

Graphic Organizer

"On Cracking White City" (blue)

"A Summer Night" (red)

"Member of the Club" (orange)

"When I Was Young" (yellow)

"Why I Did Actually Miss a Lot of School" (green)

Share out Social Justice Stories in jigsaw group

"The Music Lesson"

Day 4

Continue with the film

Have a discussion about the film and an article

Day 5

The 57 Bus

Day 6

Justice Narrative:


Plot Mountain

Elements of Fiction

Student models

Begin planning and drafting your justice narrative

Day 8

Periodic vs. Cumulative(Loose) Sentences-a video

10 Sentence Structure Types You Should Know with Examples

Loose (Cumulative) vs Periodic handout

Garrett's first two paragraphs

Where are you?

How to format dialogue

Narrative Checklist

Narrative Writing Scoring Guide

Look back at your first semester narrative. What did you do well on? What do you need to improve? What was my feedback to you? Use all that information to inform your new draft.

Day 8


Check strong verbs and SOB verbs

Work on Justice Narrative

Day 9

Justice Narrative Due