Course Overview-

9th Grade English and Inquiry

Calendar View for English and Inquiry 

First Semester Second Semester

First Semester


Identity: All about you

*reflecting on who you are and what you believe in

*understanding what kind of student you are and what you need to be successful

*examining your friendships and understanding who can help you

*thinking about what you like to do and what careers connect to your interests

Major assignments: Values Essay, Digital Citizenship, Career Unit (Two Career Pathways and Resume), Forecasting

Second Semester



February: Poetry, Bronx Masquerade and Open Mic

March/April: Romeo and Juliet 

April/May: Lit Circles


Identity: You and your place in the community

*understanding the meaning of community

*recognizing the communities you are part of and other communities outside of your own

*making a plan to be of help in one of your communities

Major Assignments: Community Unit and Social Justice Narrative and Research Project