It is very important for students to stay on track for graduation. If you have fallen behind, there are ways for you to recover your credits. Please connect with your counselor to come up with a plan for graduation.


Retaking a Course - If you need to recover a class, you can talk to your counselor about retaking the course during the school year. Your counselor could possibly change your schedule to accommodate the course. If you take the same exact course, your new grade will replace the "F" that you previously had for the course.

OALC Credit Recovery - The Osseo Area Learning Center offers students an opportunity to make-up credits through a credit recovery program during the school year. In CR, students are expected to:

  • Check in with their teacher on their scheduled day, each week for 1 hour at Osseo Senior High School

  • Work on each class for a minimum of 4 hours per week

  • Turn in work each week, as it is completed

  • Complete at least one 0.25 credit unit per 3-week reporting period

  • Please fill out the registration linked above to sign up for this program

  • New enrollments will be

Summer Credit Recovery - The Osseo Area Learning Center offers a summer program for students to recover credits. This information is available in the spring. Please see your counselor for more details.

Northern Star Online - Northern Star Online is a virtual school which allows you to earn credits independently. Students who participate in Northern Star Online must be very self-motivated. Please talk to your counselor about this opportunity.