Talk to a Trusted Teacher

Who is your trusted teacher and what do they do?

Your trusted teacher is a teacher at school you trust and feel comfortable with.

A trusted teacher is there to listen, acknowledge and support you in dealing with a problem you might have.


You can talk to your trusted teacher about the problem. They will listen carefully and ask you questions to make sure they understand what you’re saying and going through.


Trusted teachers will acknowledge your emotions and how you’re feeling. They will give you the chance to have a voice and share what you’re thinking.


Your trusted teacher might also link you in with further support from the Wellbeing Bubble, such as one of our school wellbeing professionals.

How do you get in contact?

Simply talk to them face to face before or after class and let them know it's a trusted teacher conversation. You could start the conversation by saying “Have you got time to talk?”

If your trusted teacher is not one of your subject teachers, look for them before school or during break times to have a chat.


Your trusted teacher will keep all the information you share with them private.

If they are concerned about your safety, they will talk with a school counsellor. If this happens, they will let you know and explain more about how it works.