Take your own action

Below you will find information put together by students on how to look after your wellbeing when feeling stressed, anxious or worried.

Stress Management

How can you take your own action?

Everyone goes through difficult times! Taking your own action means looking for ways to solve the problem yourself. This could include talking to your family, searching websites for helpful information and taking time to look after yourself. We believe that...

“The problem is the problem, the person is not the problem.”

Self Care

It’s important to look after yourself, take a break from the problems in your life and do some self care. Self care looks different for everyone and you can find the strategies that work well for you. For some of us it might be listening to music, gaming, drawing or going for a quick walk. Sometimes we need to step out of our school work or friendship stresses and take a moment to just chill. Self care boosts our wellbeing meaning we have more strength to achieve what we want to achieve.


Youthline is fantastic if you need to talk to someone and have people who can give advice and help you figure out how you’re feeling and why.

Free phone: 0800 376 633

Free text: 234


Here you can learn how to be a supportive friend or family member to someone dealing with a problem.


The Lowdown has information on nearly everything to do with wellbeing. There’s plenty of video clips to watch, a space to share experiences and suggestions of other services to provide the support you need.

Free text: 5626

Email: team@thelowdown.co.nz


Sparx is a free fantasy gaming site that gives advice on how to apply the skills from the game to your own life, particularly when dealing with stress, anxiety and depression.

Free phone: 0508 4 SPARX


Here you can create your own plan of action to resolve a problem you’re dealing with. You get to rank possible solutions to decide which ones will fit your situation best.


Just a thought offers free online therapy for all New Zealander! It helps you learn how to manage your thoughts, feelings and behaviours.

Reaching out to a Student Wellbeing Team member, a trusted teacher or a school wellbeing professional is also about taking your own action. Check out the other parts of the Wellbeing Bubble here to find out more about them.

Useful apps

Wellbeing apps have been all the range recently! Below is a list of some apps you can try out.

The wellbeing team is not affiliated with any of these applications. These are apps that some members of the wellbeing team found helpful.


Reflectly is an intelligent journaling app that uses AI to help you structure and reflect upon your daily thoughts and problems to help improve your mental health.


Dreamfora is a powerful goal setting app that helps you plan with minimum effort and maximum effect. The smart goal setting features help you set concrete achievement plans while keeping you inspired.