School Office

Hello and welcome to Aotea College. This information is designed to outline how the office works, how we can help you and how you can help us. Our intention is to give the best possible care and support to your child.


Students are legally required to be present at school unless they are ill or have received prior permission. There is also an ENS (Early Notification Service) where parents / caregivers will receive a text message if a student is missing from classes.

Please note, there is no incoming text service for parents to advise of absences, we have an email address to advise us of your child’s absence please be aware, you need to contact us daily for sickness

If your child is absent:

Please phone the office 237-3167 to leave a message or email

Office staff will then enter your child’s absence on the computer.

If your child is late:

If your child is late due to a doctor/dentist appointment etc, please phone the office and advise us. Students need to sign in at the office when they arrive, we will then issue a late pass for them to take to class We will also enter them on the computer as having an explained absence for the periods they have missed.

If your child needs to leave school early:

Please phone the office and advise the time your child will be leaving so we can send a note to their teacher to release them from class, this allows us to have your child waiting at the office when you arrive. Students will only be released to parents/caregivers listed on our database unless a prior arrangement is made.

Any student who leaves school grounds unaccompanied will require a “leave pass”.


Prior permission must be given before students may be removed for a holiday or trip. Please make a request in writing to the Principal if you are seeking to take your child out of school for this reason.


If your child is wearing incorrect uniform please phone the office (or leave a message) advising what your child will be wearing. Office staff will have a uniform pass ready for your student to collect when they arrive at school. Please phone or email as we cannot accept handwritten notes.

Sickbay/First aid:

If your child is sick or injured they will be brought to the office where we have first aid certified staff. We have a sick bay available.

Minor injuries will be treated with ice and/or bandaging. If there is a more serious injury or illness we will contact a parent/caregiver. If a student has a head injury parents are informed immediately and in most cases students are sent home. Please ensure that you keep your contact details with us up to date so we are able to contact you in the event of an accident/illness.

If your child feels unwell they need to inform their teacher who will send them to the office and we will call parents/caregivers, please collect your child from the office. This will ensure that their attendance is recorded correctly. Students will only be released to listed caregivers.

Medical Services:

Students can make appointments at the student office for the following services:

Physiotherapist – Tuesday & Thursday Mornings, 9.00am - 11.00am

Doctor – Monday Afternoons - 12.00pm - 3.10pm

Nurse – 9.00am - 3.00pm Monday -Friday

There are also counsellors available, appointments can also be made at student reception.

Messenger Service:

In the Junior Years at Aotea College (Year 9 & 10) it is expected that every student will complete “Messenger Service” at least once in each of these two years. This is a day where every student will ‘give back’ by way of service to Aotea College. Our messengers are invaluable to the smooth running of the school and this also gives office staff an opportunity to build a positive relationship with your child. Messenger service takes students to parts of the school where they may not have been and they will meet teachers they may not know. It also gives students a chance to show their initiative and gain a sense of responsibility. As a parent/caregiver we appreciate your support in our messenger scheme.

Bank Account Details:

If you need to make a payment to the college please use your child's surname as a reference along with what the funds are for.


Aotea College Board

12 3140 0255922 000

General Enquiries:

Your student may visit the Student Reception counter at interval and lunchtime, however during class time they will need a pass from their class teacher. Parents are welcome to phone the office on 237-3166 with any enquiries. The office is open from 8.00am to 4.00pm.

Please keep this information in a handy place for future reference.