Connect with the Student Wellbeing team

Our Mission

To support and strengthen the wellbeing of young people who have the agency to build positive relationships for learning, self care and connection to community.

You can meet the Wellbeing team through the counsellors.

Who are we?

Our team is made up of students who want to support students wellbeing at Aotea College Feel welcome to come say hi to us or email us if you want to chat or need some advice on where to get further help from. Our meet.ings are every Tuesday interval KM Mezzanine at 10:40am.

What do we do?

We are here to encourage you to take ownership of your wellbeing and to support you in linking in with school wellbeing services. This might mean someone to talk to or to link you into some help like a cool website or a professional you can trust.

How can you get involved?

We have meetings on Tuesdays interval at TM02. This means anyone can come drop in to see what we’re working on, get involved or have a chat to our wellbeing team members and teachers about any help or support you might be needing!


We keep all the information you share with us confidential. This means we will not repeat your personal information to anyone. Each team member is linked in with a school counsellor who is their supervisor. This means we will talk with our supervisor if we are concerned about your safety. We will let you know if this happens and more about how it works.