
Aotea College is a uniform school.

ALL year 9-12 students must wear full uniform. Year 13 students wear tidy clothing, suitable for a business workplace.

We have high expectations about the wearing of our uniform. Students may be required to retrieve items of correct uniform from home to ensure students appear in full correct uniform at school.

Our school uniform is available from Argyle Online.

You can order new school uniform including PE uniform direct from the suppliers. PE uniform is compulsory for Year 9 & 10 students.

With delivery to your nominated address via courier. The website is extremely user friendly with measuring tips to ensure the correct size is purchased. Argyle Online can also arrange WINZ Quotes on your behalf.


School crested jersey

School crested sweatshirt

School jacket

School crested white shirt ~ long or short sleeved

Argyle school navy tailored trousers

School navy pleated skirt

Black, blue college socks or black or white short socks, or black pantyhose

School navy shorts

Blazer ~ optional

School waterproof jacket


School crested jersey

School crested sweatshirt

School jacket

School crested white shirt ~ long or short sleeved

Argyle school black tailored trousers

School navy shorts


Black, blue college socks or black or white short socks

Blazer ~ optional

School waterproof jacket

School Bucket hat or cap