Love Abounds. Hope Rises. Lives are Forever Changed.

And now these three remain: faith, hope and love. But the greatest of these is love.

~1 Corinthians 13: 13


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Faith plays an enormous role at A Mother's Hope! We have great faith in God and His immeasurable love for every woman. We believe that every woman can find her strength and identity in Christ, which ultimately propels her to reach her greatest potential. 


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For our residents, hope is more than a feeling of optimism for the future. It is our hope that when life gets difficult, they will not return to their previous ways of coping and managing life. They will have learned the necessary skills and tools to manage difficult situations positively.  Furthermore, they will have received therapy to address trauma and encourage family stability.

Our program is designed to provide opportunities for our residents to create safe, stable, and nurturing environments for themselves and their children as they move towards self-sufficiency.


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Our first priority at A Mother's Hope is that every woman who walks through our doors feels loved and valued no matter what. We believe that when women are genuinely loved they find the freedom to be who God created them to be. When this happens, women realize their value and make changes in line with their purpose.  They come to love themselves and others in an entirely new way. 

Protecting Life

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Many times, pregnant women experiencing homelessness have nowhere to turn. These women haven chosen life for their babies, but are often scared, alone, and desperately needing to be loved. We are very sensitive to the unique needs of every woman we serve. We make it a priority to protect the life of each woman and each baby no matter what phase of life they are in. A Mother's Hope advocates for and attends to the medical and emotional needs of women and their babies at all times.

Our Approach in Action

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Being motivated by love, we approach every encounter as an opportunity to ignite something significant in the women we serve! Because our residents are with us 24 hours a day, we are able to encourage and activate real change that makes way for solid, stable futures. 


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Q.  What makes A Mother’s Hope different from other shelters?

A. A Mother's Hope is the only shelter in Fort Wayne that exclusively serves homeless pregnant women. The need is real! A Mother’s Hope offers a loving home with its foundation in Christ. We provide pregnant women with a safe and secure place to live while they are supported in their journey to self-sufficiency and sustainability.

Q.  How many women live at A Mother’s Hope?

A.  Our program allows for up to eight women and their babies to live at A Mother's Hope.  And after our residents move on from our program, they continue to reach out for help and support which is lovingly provided by A Mother's Hope. Our program extends far beyond our walls! A Mother's Hope provides guidance and referrals to many pregnant women who contact us in need of help. 

Q.  How long can women stay at A Mother’s Hope?

A. Our program begins during pregnancy, continues through the birth of baby, and extends up until baby's first birthday. 

Q: What type of program does A Mother’s Hope have?

A.  A Mother’s Hope Program has six core initiatives: shelter, health of mother and baby, employment, education, support, and life skills (such as budgeting, nutrition, meal planning, and parenting).

Q.  How is A Mother’s Hope funded?

A.  A Mother’s Hope is funded by individual and corporate donors, grants, and our fundraising events

Q.  Are mothers who live at A Mother’s Hope encouraged to place their babies for adoption?

A.  A Mother’s Hope encourages and supports the option of adoption when it is the will of the mother.

Q.  Is there an age limit for the residents?

A.  There is not an age limit.  When a woman is under the age of 18, entrance into the program requires parental consent.

Q.  What are the requirements for a pregnant mother to enter the program?

A. Please click here for more information on program requirements. 

Q.  Are residents permitted to bring other children to live with them at A Mother’s Hope?

A.  Unfortunately, due to capacity restrictions, other children are not permitted to live at A Mother's Hope.  If a potential resident can find someone to provide care for her other children, the mother could be considered for entrance into the program. We will allow children to visit.

Q.  How can I get involved?

A.  There are so many ways to get involved! Become a corporate donor, become a mentor, donate needed items, or become a volunteer.  To learn more about getting involved click here.

Q. How do I donate to A Mother’s Hope?  Is it a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization?

A. Yes A Mother’s Hope is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization.  To donate, click here or mail checks to A Mother’s Hope 5322 N. Clinton St. Fort Wayne, IN 46825.

Q. Who do I contact if I have additional questions?

A. Contact Stasia Roth, Executive Director, at stasia@amhfw.org or call at 260-444-4975

Quick Facts about Us         



