Thank you so much for caring for our moms and babies!

If your family, Sunday School/Bible class, scouting troop, or corporate outreach group wants to make a difference that changes lives, 

consider a Collection Drive to provide some of our most needed items. 

As you are making your plans, please contact our Outreach Coordinator by emailing

Thanks to the wonderful support of those in the community, we have plenty of hand sanitizer, toothpaste, lotion, and deodorant products at this time. 

Please note, we are unable to accept donations of:

Items can be dropped off from 9AM-3PM Monday through Thursday at:

A Mother's Hope

4618 E. State Blvd. Suite 201

Fort Wayne, IN 4681

Clothing Needs:

Grocery Needs:

Needs for Babies:

Needs for Moms:

Needs for the House:

Collection Drive Opportunities.docx.pdf