Visual Schedule

Visual Schedules are picture representations of daily routines, tasks or activities. Visual Schedules break down tasks into smaller steps to make following directions easier. Visual Schedules reduce stress, add more consistency and make transitions easier.

Routines. Behavior. Transitions. Visual. Structure. Schedule.

Steps to Take

  • Step 1: Choose a part of the day to use a visual schedule.

  • Step 2: Break down the activity into smaller achievable goals.

  • Step 3: Make a picture or symbol for each goal then line them up in order they need to be completed. Some visual schedules use Velcro, but this is not necessary.

  • Step 4: Start using the schedule with the child to guide them through their day. Start the morning by going over the schedule of activities for the day with the child. After going over it, the child should aim to complete the first task.

  • Step 5: After a task has been completed, it can be removed from the line of tasks on the visual schedule. If Velcro was used, place the picture on the back of the schedule. If paper or cards were used, place the completed task picture in a baggie or other place to signify that it is complete.

How to Use a Visual Schedule

Visual Schedule Resource

Pediatric Neuropsychology Diagnostic and Treatment Center: