Organization & Homework

Organization tactics can greatly improve homework completion, reduce arguing about school work and relieve stress.

Organization. Homework. Labels. Backpack. Schedule. Binder. Folder.

Ways to Improve Organization

  • Label It: Write school topics on folders. The child should place any materials for that class in that designated folder. Try color coding folders and notebooks with school topics.

  • Schedule Time: Set time in the daily routine to clean up messy areas in the house. Make it fun with music or a race to tidy up.

  • Piles: When the child is tidying up, let them make piles based on which room of the house it belongs to. When they are done, they can bring the piles to each room and put them away.

  • Take a Picture: Snap a picture of what problem areas look like when they are organized. Examples could include the living room, the child's room or their backpack. Have the child compare their work organizing with what the picture looks like. Try making it a game by rating out of 5 stars how closely the child got to the picture of a well-organized space.

  • Focus on Organization: If grades or writing is visible during organization, do not focus on these things. Instead focus only on the organization part of the task.

  • One Thing at a Time: Don't get caught up in trying to organize everything at once. Pick one or two spaces to focus on to reduce stress from both the adult and the child.

  • Give Rewards:. Reward disorganized students when they are able to quickly locate a certain book or paper in their desk or notebooks.

Tips to Stay Organized & Get Work Done

Home Work Tips

Tips to Complete Homework

Homework Tips for Disorganized Students

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