Focus & Attention

Focus is something all people struggle with at times. Breaking up sessions of concentration can help with focus.

Focus. Attention. Work Completion. Learning.

Ways to Increase Focus & Attention

  • Tomato Timer: A pomodoro or tomato timer sets a timer for 25 minutes, goes off, then allows for a short break. Breaks can be set for 5, 10 and 15 minutes long. The timer works to allow for focus work or school tasks with the knowledge that a break is coming.

  • Beeper:

Tomato Timer

Steps to Take:

Step 1: Find a timer that fits your needs.

Step 2: Create a list of homework or other assignments to complete.

Step 3: Set timer and work until it goes off. Make sure to stay away from distractions.

Step 4: When the timer goes off, make sure to only take the predetermined amount of time in your break.

What is Pomodoro Technique

Free Tomato Timers

  • This is a plain tomato timer. This website allows for the simplicity of a pomodoro.

  • This website is has a tomato timer, but also a to-do list on the website. The website is also available in the app store.


Steps to Take:

Step 1: Use a timer to set a random amount of time. The more the student is not working, the shorter the amount of time for the timer. For a student who needs constant reminders to stay on task, start with a minute. For older students timers could be set for 5 or sometimes 10 minutes.

Step 2: Explain exactly what you want from the student. Explain what working hard looks like and sounds like. Let the student know that each time the timer beeps, they have the chance to earn a point if they are working hard. If they are not working hard, then they miss out on the point. For zoom classes, choose target behaviors that can be observed in that environment, like showing the notes they have taken in the camera. Looking into the camera or at the screen may not be the best indicator of paying attention.

Step 3: Set the timer, each time the beeper goes and the student is working- mark a point. If the student is working for 80% of the time or more they should be able to choose a reward like a 10 minute break, a game, a candy ect.

Step 4: Use the beeper for activities that are especially hard to keep the student focused.

The world has changed a lot in 2020. In order to provide some resources for children and families two pages have been added to this Site. Click on the button to the left to learn more.