
Rewards are intended to encourage good outcomes in children. Rewards are part of setting goals and expectations. Rewards do not always have to be things. Some of the best rewards are activities that the child likes to do.

Behavior. Reward. Goals. Motivation. Games. Activities.

What Are Rewards & How to Use Them

  • Rewards are activities or privileges that help motivate kids to do the right thing or to get their work done. Rewards provide positive reinforcement for good behavior and recognition for a job well done.

  • Rewards set up to be delivered after the child has met a certain expectation. Rewards are not bribes.

  • A lot of times, the most effective rewards are not things, but privileges or extra attention from guardians.

Steps to Take

  • Step 1: Set the Goal: Decide which behavior will be rewarded and how the adult will determine if a reward is earned. This could mean setting a list of chores for the child to complete. If they complete all of the chores they receive the reward.

  • Step 2: Set the Reward: It is very important that the reward is something that the child wants.

  • Step 3: Explain: Tell the child what you expect them to do and let them know that they will get a reward when it is done. It is optional to let the child know what the reward is or to keep it a secret. A mystery reward can increase motivation!

  • Step 4: Wait for It: Wait for the child to meet the expectation. If they do not, let them know what went wrong and how they could fix it. Let them know they can keep working toward the goal. Once the child meets the goal deliver the reward.

Reward Ideas

  • Use praise as a reward by letting the child know how proud you are they met the goal. Encourage children to reflect on their accomplishments and be proud of themselves.

  • Read a book to the child.

  • Let them choose what is for dinner.

  • Arrange time for the child to spend one on one time with a guardian or loved one.

  • Cook or bake together.

  • Let the child choose a song for the car or house. Or let them make a playlist.

  • Let the child earn time on TV or let them choose a family movie.

  • Give the child extra responsibilities that may be seen as a "big kid job" like feeding the family pet.

  • Visit a family member or neighbor that the child has a great bond with.

  • Earn an item like a jump rope, football, or bubbles.

  • Give one day off of chores or one chore taken off for the day.

  • Do an activity with the child like art or science.

  • Let the child stay up 10 extra minutes at bedtime. This is a good goal to work towards during the week for the weekend.

How to Use Rewards

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