Say, Show, Check

Role play is a way to teach behavior to children and to let them practice the behavior the right way. When an adult role plays appropriate behavior they first SAY what the behavior is, SHOW what it looks like then CHECK to see if the child can do the behavior themselves.

Universal. Prevention. Targeted. Behavior. Teaching. Rules. Practice. Role Playing.

Steps to Take

  • Step 1: Say: Say what the rule is and why it is important. Then explain what the rule looks like.

  • Step 2: Show: Show children by doing the behavior yourself. Make sure to continue to talk through what you are doing and why you are doing.

  • Step 3: Check: Check understanding by role playing incorrect behavior and asking the children what you did wrong and what you should have done instead. Ask a different child to show what the appropriate behavior looks like. Praise the child for demonstrating the behavior correctly and praise the rest of the group for watching and listening quietly.


  • In upper elementary and middle school groups, it may be best to not demonstrate inappropriate behavior as some children will do the inappropriate behavior to get peer attention.

  • Small group practice can be added easily. Invite a group of students to role play for the rest of the group, like a play. Have the other children judge the appropriateness of the behaviors displayed.

How to Role Play

Sample Topics to Role-Play

How to ask an adult for help.

How to behave during learning time.

What to do if the child is teased.

How to ask a friend to play.

The world has changed a lot in 2020. In order to provide some resources for children and families two pages have been added to this Site. Click on the button to the left to learn more.

Burns, M. K., Riley-Tillman, T. C. & Rathvon, N. (2017). Effective school interventions: Evidence-based strategies for improving student outcomes. The Guilford Press: New York.
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