Online class

Students complete the Driver Education class through the online platform Buzz (East Shore Online).  Online classes are required to take 30 hours, so this course will be longer than many others Alpine District offers online.

How do I sign up?

Fill out the form in the Getting Signed Up page (link below). Once the form is completed, contact Angela Hill ( (801) 610-8180) at Polaris High for course payment.

How long does it take?

As with most online classes, completion time will vary. Students will have 60 days to complete the course from the date of sign-up. After 60 days the course will expire and will will need to renew the course.  All work will be saved on the course for up to one calendar year.  After that year, all work will be deleted and the student will have to begin again.

Can I renew the course?

Absolutely!  Course renewal costs $5.  Please contact Angela Hill at Polaris High to renew your course.

What topics does the course cover?

Driver’s Ed Topics: