Discipline Policy

Mrs. Mac’s Discipline Program

Our Class Motto: “We Are Kind”

Philosophy: On my list of what is most important, kindness is number one. My students are taught through stories, examples, object lessons and direct instruction that what I value most is that they treat each other with kindness. At the same time, I try to set an example of kindness as I interact with my students. I do believe in teaching that actions bring about consequences. Positive actions result in positive consequences. Conversely, negative actions result in negative consequences. My discipline program reflects this philosophy.


Points, treats and prizes: Children receive points for good behavior and for following rules and procedures. They are recognized for giving their best effort and for following directions. Points are recorded on an individual point grid that is kept in their desks. When a column in the grid is filled, a small treat is awarded from Honey Dukes. When the entire grid is filled, a prize is awarded from the Weasley Wizard Wheezes cauldron. Prizes will be awarded at the end of the day the prize is earned, and will be taken directly home. Prizes left at school and are played with during class time, can be confiscated and put back in the cauldron.

Class Bingo Card: In January, a class Bingo card is introduced. The class works as a team to earn Bingo tiles. The children generate a number of class rewards they would like to receive. If a Bingo is achieved, the class draws one of those predetermined prizes.

Positive Paws: These are school wide recognitions for practicing social skills that are taught throughout the year. In Mrs. Mac’s class, Wednesday is Positive Paw Day and they are given for good listening, working together, waiting, following instructions, expressing yourself, joining in, etc. The Positive Paws are placed in a First Grade jar kept in the lobby of the school and five or six are drawn out each Monday at the morning assembly allowing the student to spin for a prize


Checks: If a student chooses to disregard a classroom or school rule, then a check is given. This is a warning that behavior needs to improve and be brought into alignment with the rules. A total of three checks may be awarded for repeated offenses.

Recess Essays: When the third check is given, then the student spends recess time writing about the choices they made which brought them to this point and what they need to do to change their behavior. Checks are not carried over from day to day, and each day is a brand new day with no mistakes in it. However, if a student earns the third check after all the daily recesses, he or she will still be required to spend a recess time the next day writing about their choices.

Think Time: After three Recess detentions, the student then moves to Think Time. They are removed from class and taken to another classroom two grades higher, where the teacher gives them a chance to review their behavior and helps them set goals to improve their choices. A written form is returned to Mrs. Mac with the student’s plan for improved behavior. This is a school-wide program.

Phone Call Home: If, after the first Think Time, a student continues to choose to disregard the classroom rules and school rules, they will be asked to make a phone call to their parents to inform them of the choices they have made.

Office Referral: After three Think Times, then an Office Referral is issued and Mr. Hoopes or another administrator becomes involved. In-school suspension is often the result. Parents, of course, would be notified if an Office Referral was issued. This is also part of our school’s discipline policy.

The students are informed of this discipline procedure and a copy of the rewards and consequences are posted on the board in the front of the classroom. I refer you to the Grovecrest Handbook for the school’s Discipline Policy.

My classroom is a happy place and students in my class benefit from knowing the expectations and the consequences for their choices. I strive to be consistent and fair. This discipline plan is discussed in class and the students are well aware of how they may earn rewards or choose to receive consequences for behavior that is not appropriate.

If you have any questions feel free to contact me here at school either by phone or e mail. Thank you for your support.