Quick Links

Week 37: Last Day in the Lab!

Have a wonderful summer!


If you missed a class, you can see what we learned in past weeks by scrolling below

Week 34, 35 & 36: Virtual Museum in CS First Scratch

Mrs. Briggs Class- click HERE to watch a video intro.  It is also in the slides below on slide #9.

Go over today's lesson intention!

Today I will...use custom sprites

so I can...make a virtual museum about planets or Utah dinosaurs in CS First Scratch.

I know I have it when...I can download an image from the internet that isn't copyrighted, remove its background, and upload it as a sprite in CS First Scratch.

4:3- Virtual Museum lesson

1) Open today's Instruction Time slides in a new tab (click upper right corner)

2) Sign into CS First and open a new project (see slide 4 for help)

3) Create your virtual museum!  There are step-by-step directions starting on slide 4.

Finished Fast?  

Open another new CS First project and try one of these games:

Let's Dance

Make Music

Create a Story

Week 33: Google Slides- Why I appreciate my teacher 

Go over today's lesson intention!

Today I will...use Google Slides and safe searching

so I can...create a presentation for my teacher

I know I have it when..my slides have a background, text and a picture.

Week 32: Digital Citizenship- A Creator's Rights & Responsibilities

Go over today's lesson intention!

Today I will...learn what copyright is

so I can...use others' creations responsibly

I know I have it when...I can define copyright, and how to give credit for others' online work.

Click on your teacher's name to open the lesson:

Week 29, 30 & 31: Coding- Predator/Prey Chase Game

Go over today's lesson intention!

Today I will...use conditionals and a new motion block

so I can...create a game where an animal predator chases and catches its prey

I know I have it when...the prey is conditioned to "hide" when it touches the predator, and the predator moves according to where the mouse is pointed.


Open the "Instruction Time" slides in a new tab and refer to them to help you through this project.  Step-by-step instructions begin on slide 8.

Week 27 & 28: Coding- Photo Booth

Go over today's lesson intention!

Today I will...use the "broadcasting" buttons

so I can...make a photo booth for a sprite to try on different accessories.

I know I have it when...I make buttons for each type of accessory and they go through various costumes of that accessory on the head of the sprite.

4:4- Photo Booth Instructions

Open the "Instruction Time" slides in a new tab and refer to them to help you through this project.  Step-by-step instructions begin on slide 7.

Week 26: Digital Citizenship- Be a Super Digital Citizen

Go over today's lesson intention!

Today I will...learn what cyberbullying is

so I can...be an upstander for others and for myself online.

I know I have it when...I can explain what to do in a cyberbullying situation, especially the solution to tell a trusted adult.

Click on your teacher's name to open the lesson:

Week 25: Makey Makeys

Go over today's lesson intention!

Today I will...learn what conductors are

so I can...use a Makey Makey successfully to extend my keyboard while using a computer program

I know I have it when...I make sure I am grounded to complete my circuit and when I can play the games successfully by pushing the buttons I hook up to the Makey Makey.

Makey Makey lesson slides

Try out these fun games with your Makey Makey!

Week 24: Google Docs

Go over today's lesson intention!

Today I will...complete a challenge in Google docs

so I can...learn how to format text when I type.

I know I have it when...I follow the directions to make my Google doc look like the finished examples.

Week 22 & 23: Coding- Virtual Pet

Go over today's lesson intention!

Today I will...use the skills I've learned all year in CS First

so I can...code a virtual pet

I know I have it when...I can follow the directions on the Scratch cards and the commands work when tested.

Virtual Pet.pdf

Open the PDF of the Scratch Cards under "Instruction Time" and follow the directions to help you in this project.

Week 20 & 21: Analyzing Data with Google Sheets

1) Make sure you're logged into Chrome.

2) Open the slideshow below (click upper right corner) and look through these slides to review what a spreadsheet is. You don't have to open any spreadsheets, just read/watch.

3) Typing club

Hansen Google Sheets Intro

Go over today's lesson intention!

Today I will...use Google Sheets

so I can...make a spreadsheet to analyze data

I know I have it when...I format my spreadsheet to show how many of each color in a virtual bag of M&Ms with properly labeled rows and columns

4th M&Ms Math

This Assignment is called "M&Ms Math- Google Sheets"

After you turn it in, you can do the 2 Fast Finisher project under Today's Assignments called "Pixel Art Drawing in Google Sheets" and "Visualizing Data Nearpod."

Week 19: Holiday Fun Choice Day!

Today you can choose one of the following:

Week 18: Keeping Games Fun & Friendly

Go over today's lesson intention!

Today I will...learn what social interactions are

so I can...know how to keep my digital social interactions positive and safe.

I know I have it when...I can design my own idea for an online game and create the rules for how players should interact.

Click on your teacher's name to open the lesson:

Week 16 & 17: CS First- Animate a Character

Today I will...do pair programming in CS First with a partner

so I can...animate a character

I know I have it when...one of us is the driver and the other is the navigator and we take turns completing the steps in the Scratch cards.

We'll watch the following video TOGETHER in class.

1st Driver: open a new project in CS First

1st Navigator: click on the box & arrow in the upper right-hand corner to open the Scratch cards in a new window.  Trade roles with each new page.


Fast Finishers: Click HERE and choose an Hour of Code activity to work on OR code your own project in CS First.  Make sure it's school-appropriate.

Week 15 (Tuesday): scroll to Week 14 to catch up

Week 15: Thanksgiving Fun- Disguise a Turkey

Today I will...use the copy/paste keyboard or mouse commands

so I can...disguise a turkey

I know I have it when...I use the right-click on the mouse or the keyboard shortcuts to copy and paste different disguises on my turkey.

Mrs. Hansen will broadcast onto your screen.

We will be watching a video and looking through these slides to learn how to disguise our turkey

Click the picture of the turkey below to make your own copy of the Google Slides project to edit yourself!  When you're done, you can click the button below to play Thanksgiving games.

Week 14: Digital Footprint: Our Online Tracks

Go over today's lesson intention!

Today I will...review digital footprints

so I can...remember that all online activity makes up a digital footprint

I know I have it when...I can share what my responsibilities are when I'm online to do everything in my power to have a good digital footprint.

Click on your teacher's name to open the lesson:

If there's time, head back to Typing Club

Week 12 & 13: Coding in CS First- Code Your Hero

Go over today's lesson intention!

Today I will...code a sprite to talk and move

so I can...show a story about a hero

I know I have it when...I'm able to finish the basic instructions of the CS First lesson and try at least 2 add-ons.

Use the CS First video lesson to start your NEW project.  Here's Mrs. Hansen's example below:

Code Your Hero example.mov

Week 10 & 11: Google Drawings  Halloween 

Go over today's lesson intention!

Today I will...use a Google Drawings tutorial

so I can...create a Halloween pumpkin picture

I know I have it when...I can work with 2 windows side-by-side and my pumpkin looks like the one in the tutorial

Eyes on the screen while Mrs. Hansen demonstrates how to access your assignment and how to put 2 windows side-by-side.  (You can also go to the "Help" page to see that tip again).

Today's Assignment is called "Google Drawings Pumpkin"


Go to the Halloween Choice Board

Week 9: Private vs. Personal Information

Today I will learn about private and personal information

so I can know what is okay to share and what is not.

I know I have it when I can label information as "personal" or "private."

Click on your teacher's name to open the lesson:

If we have extra time, head to the Free Choice Board.

Week 8: GMAIL Cleanup

1) Watch this video to learn how to clean out your inbox.


2) Clean out your GMAIL inbox.

Go over today's lesson intention!

Today I will have the choice to play any game on the Free Choice Board or to explore Canva to learn more design and creativity skills.

You can choose to:

1) Play anything on the Free Choice Board


Typing Club

Week 7: File Sharing & GMAIL Review

1) Look through both sets of slides for a quick review of the email lesson you had last week

2) Finish emailing Mrs. Hansen

3) Head to Typing Club

4th Email Netiquette.gslides

Go over today's lesson intention!

Today I will learn about file sharing

so I can collaborate with others digitally

I know I have it when I can define the different sharing permissions (editor, commenter, and viewer) and how to restrict a file to only specific people.

Click on your teacher's name to open the lesson:

1) Finish your GMAIL Assignment from last week 

(see Self-Start slide #18)

2) Free Choice Board

Week 6: Email Netiquette 

Self-Start: watch this video on touch typing, then head to Typing Club!

Watch the video above on Touch Typing. (You will not be able to use fullscreen mode).  When you finish, head to typing club.

Today I will learn what email netiquette is

so I can use my school email appropriately 

I know I have it when I can identify the "do's" and "don'ts" of using my school email account and general email netiquette.

4th Email Netiquette.gslides

Write Mrs. Hansen an email about the following:

What do you plan to dress up as for Halloween this year OR what is your  favorite Halloween costume from the past? 

Make sure your email has all 5 parts and is addressed to 


Week 5: Digital Citizenship (Media Balance)

Go over today's lesson intention!

Today I will learn about what the word "media" means

so I can make know what makes a healthy media choice.

I know I have it when I can analyze a media choice by looking at the "what," "when," and "how much."

Click on your teacher's name to open the lesson:

If there is time left, head to the Free Choice Board

Week 4: Listen & Follow

Go over today's lesson intention!

Today I will learn how to Listen & Follow

so I can pay attention and use my school tech properly.

I know I have it when I follow the rules in the Acceptable Use Agreement and use whole-body listening when Mrs. Hansen is talking to the class.

1) Log into Chrome and sync it to your computer (see last week's assignment for a video link)

2) Join my Google Classroom by going up to the Quick Links and clicking on your teacher's name and complete the first assignment.Complete the assignment from last week if you didn't finish.

Fast Finishers: Typing Club or Free Choice Board

Week 3: Attention Signal & Voice Levels

Go over today's lesson intention!

Today I will learn Mrs. Hansen's attention signal and voice levels

so I can use appropriate volume and give my full attention

I know I have it when I use whole-body listening and a level 0 voice and put both hands on my head when Mrs. Hansen calls "Hands on top"

1) Log into Chrome and sync it to your computer. Watch this video for help.

2) Join my Google Classroom by going up to the Quick Links and clicking on your teacher's name and complete the first assignment.Complete the assignment from last week if you didn't finish.

Fast Finishers: Typing Club

Week 2: Self-Start

Go over today's lesson intention!

Today I will learn Mrs. Hansen's learner habits and practice "Self-Start"

so I can have control of my learning

I know I have it when I leave toys in my classroom or the bin, use good posture and be a good helper.

1) Log into the lab computer with YOUR username and password.

2) Sign into Chrome and sync your account to your computer.  Watch this video for help.

3) Go to Typing Club in the Quick Links, use "Sign in with Google" and start your typing course.

Week 1: Welcome to the Lab & Move with Purpose

Go over today's lesson intention!

Today I will learn Mrs. Hansen's learner habits and practice "Move with Purpose"

so I can help my class earn all 5 points

I know I have it when I keep my arms at my sides or folded with quiet feet and go straight where I need to be with a level 0 voice.

For the next few weeks, work on the following:

1) Log into the lab computer with YOUR username and password.

2) Sign into Chrome and sync your account to your computer.  Watch this video for help.

3) Join my Google Classroom by going up to the Quick Links and clicking on your teacher's name and complete the first assignment.

4) Go to Typing Club in the Quick Links, use "Sign in with Google" and start your typing course.