Quick Links

Week 37: Last Day in the Lab!

Have a wonderful summer!


If you missed a class, you can see what we learned in past weeks by scrolling below

Week 34, 35 & 36: Coding- 10 Squares

Ms. Welsh's Class: Click HERE to watch the instruction time video.  You can re-watch it again while you work or pause it for each step.

Go over today's lesson intention!

Today I will...use the "glide to x and y" blocks

so I can...code 10 squares to move to the designs I created in Google Slides

I know I have it when...I create 10 square sprites and code them to glide to the correct positions and to change costumes (color) when needed. 

3:6 10 Squares

Open the "Instruction Time" slides in a new tab and refer to them to help you through this project.  Step-by-step instructions begin on slide 9.

Week 33: Google Slides- 10 Squares Project

Go over today's lesson intention!

Today I will...use Google Slides to make designs using 10 squares

so I can...be ready for our last coding project of the year.

I know I have it when...I can recolor the squares and arrange them in different designs.

10 Squares sample slide

Week 32: Digital Citizenship- Is Seeing Believing?

Go over today's lesson intention!

Today I will...learn about image altering

so I can...determine if a picture is real or fake

I know I have it when...I can ask myself what the creator was trying to accomplish to help know if it is real or fake and why.

Click on your teacher's name to open the lesson:

Mrs. Needs

Week 29, 30 & 31: Coding- Hide & Seek

Go over today's lesson intention!

Today I will...learn what a "variable" is

so I can...make a hide & seek game

I know I have it when...my sprite hides and appears at random locations and the score counter increases each time I click on the sprite

3:5- Hide and Seek

Open the "Instruction Time" slides in a new tab and refer to them to help you through this project.  Step-by-step instructions begin on slide 7.

Week 27 & 28: Coding- Race Game

Go over today's lesson intention!

Today I will...code 2 animals to race- one with loops and the other with the user pressing a key

so I can...create a race game

I know I have it when...one animal moves by the green flag and the other moves when a key is pressed.

Animal Race Slides

Open the "Instruction Time" slides in a new tab and refer to them to help you through this project.  Step-by-step instructions begin on slide 6.

Week 26- Digital Citizenship- The Power of Words

Go over today's lesson intention!

Today I will...learn what cyberbullying is

so I can...be an upstander for others and for myself online.

I know I have it when...I can explain what to do in a cyberbullying situation, especially the solution to tell a trusted adult.

Click on your teacher's name to open the lesson:

Mrs. Needs

Week 25: Bee Bots!

Go over today's lesson intention!

Today I will...program Bee Bots to draw

so I can...see how coding works off the screen

I know I have it when...I can program my bee bot to draw specific designs

Meet the Bee Bot

Head to the Bee Bot Simulator until it's your turn to use the Bee Bots and spelling board.

Week 24: Intro to Google Docs

Go over today's lesson intention!

Today I will...learn about Google Docs

so I can...type and format text

I know I have it when...I can change the font of my text.

Click on the 3 links below to open the instructions, your assignment doc, and video instructions.

Week 22 & 23: Coding- Interactive Presentation

Go over today's lesson intention!

Today I will...use the "when this sprite is clicked" command

so I can...make an interactive presentation in CS First Scratch about animals

I know I have it when...I have 3 animal sprites, a background, and my sprites say a fun fact about themselves when the user clicks on them with a mouse.

3:3- Interactive Presentation

Open the slides under "Instruction Time" to help you remember how to open CS first and select our current unit called "Interactive Presentation."  

Week 21: Google Sheets Part 2

If you missed last week, open these slides below called "What is a Spreadsheet"  by clicking in the upper right corner and reading through them.

Hansen Google Sheets Intro

Go over today's lesson intention!

Today I will...learn about Google Sheets

so I can...make a spreadsheet to analyze data.

I know I have it when...I can enter in results from a class poll to make a chart and use Google Sheets to make pixel art.

3rd G sheets pixel art instruction.mov

This Assignment is called "Pixel Art in Google Sheets"

Week 20: Analyzing Data & Intro to Google Sheets

Go over today's lesson intention!

Today I will...learn about Google Sheets

so I can...make a spreadsheet to analyze data.

I know I have it when...I can enter in results from a class poll to make a chart in Google Sheets

Hansen Google Sheets Intro

Follow along with Mrs. Hansen as we make our own spreadsheet!

3rd Class Ice Cream Poll

Week 19: Holiday Fun Choice Day!

Today you can choose one of the following:

Week 18: Digital Citizenship Pledge

Go over today's lesson intention!

Today I will...pledge to be a good digital citizen

so I can...help my class be a safe digital community.

I know I have it when...I can define what a community is, what "norms" are, and how they help a community achieve their goals.

Click on your teacher's name to open the lesson:

Mrs. Needs

Week 16 & 17: Coding in CS First- Dialogue

1) Log into Chrome

2) Watch the video below to learn about the Scratch workspace that we'll be using today.

3) Go to Typing club until Mrs. Hansen calls for attention.

Go over today's lesson intention!

Use the tutorial video in CS First to show you how to use Scratch and start your project.  Below is Mrs. Hansen's sample project:

Dialogue sample project.mov

Week 15 (Tuesday): scroll to Week 14 to catch up

Week 15: Thanksgiving Fun- Turkey Trivia

Go over today's lesson intention!

Today I will...learn about turkey trivia

so I can...be ready to celebrate Thanksgiving

I know I have it when...I click the Kahoot button and enter in the correct pin number and participate in the quiz.

Week 14: Digital Citizenship- Digital Footprints

Go over today's lesson intention!

Today I will...learn about digital footprints

so I can...make sure what I share is safe, responsible and respectful

I know I have it when...I can tell what personal info is okay to share and that private info is never okay to share.

Click on your teacher's name to open the lesson:

Ms. Welsh

Mrs. Patten

Mrs. Needs

If there's time, head back to Typing Club.

Week 12 & 13: Coding- Intro to CS First- Animate a Name

Go over today's lesson intention!

Today I will...code in CS First with various algorithms and loops

so I can...animate a sprite.

I know I have it when...I choose at least 3 different animations for different letters in my name

We'll watch the first video together in class.

Below is Mrs. Hansen's example video:

Animate a Name Example.mov

Week 10 & 11: Google Drawings Halloween

Watch the self-start video about the coding program we'll be using next week 

Go over today's lesson intention!

Today I will...learn to copy and paste

so I can...make a jack-o-lantern in Google Drawings using shapes from a template.

I know I have it when...I can make copies of shapes, move them, fill them with color and even rotate some of them to make my own jack-o-lantern.

Today's Assignment is called 

"Google Drawings: Jack-O-Lantern"

Fast Finishers: Head to the Halloween Choice Board

Week 9: Password Power-up

Today I will review the importance of passwords and work on memorizing mine

so I can log into the computers without needing to look at my login card.

I know I have it when I can log in and out of the lab computers 3 times without looking at my card.

Click on your teacher's name to open the lesson:

Mrs. Needs

1) Study your username and password on the back of your card to memorize them.

2) Put your login card facing up (password on the back) and try logging in and out 3 times without flipping it over.

3) Head to the Free Choice Board.

Week 8: Catch-Up Day Tues-Thurs (Tuesday- scroll down to week 7's lesson

Go over today's lesson intention!

Today I will catch up on anything we've missed so far by using whole-body listening to Mrs. Hansen's instruction.

Head to the Free Choice Board

Week 7: Intro to Email 

Go over today's lesson intention!

Today I will learn the 5 parts to a good email

so I can be able to send emails in the future that the recipient will understand

I know I have it when I make sure my email has the following: a subject, a greeting, a message, a closing, and a signature.

3rd Email- 5 parts

Click on your teacher's name to open the lesson:

Mrs. Needs

Week 6: Chrome Sync Catch-up/ Touch Typing

1) Log into the computer

2) Log into Chrome (turn on sync if you haven't yet...this Video can help you)

3) Typing Club (use Sign in with Google button)

Go over today's lesson intention!

Today I will learn about what touch typing is

so I can learn how to have proper technique when typing

I know I have it when my fingers always start and come back to HOME ROW.

We're going to watch the video below and discuss why it's important to use certain fingers to type specific letters.

Catch up on signing into Chrome and spend today in Typing Club.  Make sure you're using the correct finger for each key!

Week 5: Digital Citizenship (Media Balance)

Go over today's lesson intention!

Today I will learn about the "Rings of Responsibility"

so I can understand what being a digital citizen means.

I know I have it when I can identify media actions that affect myself, my community, and the world.

Click on your teacher's name to open the lesson:

Mrs. Patten

If there is time left, head to the Free Choice Board

Week 4: Listen & Follow

Go over today's lesson intention!

Catch up on:

1) Sign into Chrome with your student account and sync it to your computer.  Watch this video to help you.

2) Join my Google Classroom by clicking on your teacher's name at the top of the page under the Google Classroom logo and then click the blue "join class" button.

3) In Google Classroom, click "Classwork" > click the "First Assignment" > Click "View Instructions > complete it by watching the Google Drive video and then click "Mark as Done."

4) Fast Finishers: Typing club- click the button in Quick Links and then click the "Log in with Google" button.

Week 3: Attention Signal & Voice Levels/ Log into Chrome

Go over today's lesson intention!

Today I will learn how to sync my Google Chrome account to my machine I sit at

so I can I can easily sign into Typing Club and google programs

I know I have it when I can type my whole email address and password in the Chrome login and sync it.

1) Sign into Chrome with your student account and sync it to your computer.  Watch this video to help you.

2) Join my Google Classroom by clicking on your teacher's name at the top of the page under the Google Classroom logo and then click the blue "join class" button.

3) In Google Classroom, click "Classwork" and complete the first assignment (which is to watch a video about Google Drive and "mark as done.")  There's an extra video in there to help you.

4) If you finish Steps 1-3, click on the Typing Club logo up top in the Quick Links section and start your grade's course that has been assigned to you.  You'll need to click the "Log in with Google" button.

Week 2: Self-Start

Go over today's lesson intention!

Today I will learn how to have a "self-start" attitude

so I can be in control of my own learning.

I know I have it when I leave toys in my classroom or in the bin, have good posture, and be a good helper.

Log in and out 3 times, then head to the Free Choice Board.

Week 1: Welcome Back!!

Go over today's lesson intention!

Today I will...learn Mrs. Hansen's Learner Habits, especially "Move with Purpose"

so I can...know what is expected of me when I'm in computer class.

I know I have it when...I can silently walk in the lab correctly using the white wall with a level 0 voice, and either keeping my arms folded, hands in pockets or arms at sides.