Quick Links

Week 37: Last Day in the Lab!

Have a wonderful summer!


If you missed a class, you can see what we learned in past weeks by scrolling below

Week 34, 35 & 36: Coding- Maze Game

Go over today's lesson intention!

Today I will...use the skills I've learned this year

so I can...design a maze game.

I know I have it when...I create a controller with arrows that move my character through the maze when they're clicked on.

2:12- Maze Game

1) Open Code HS in the Quick Links

2) Code your project

Week 33: Typing- Home Row Dictation

1) Click the "Blank Typing Page" button.

2) Practice typing your first and last name as many times as you can.

Go over today's lesson intention!

Today I will...review the Home Row keys

so I can...type them as Mrs. Hansen calls them out.

I know I have it when...I start out and always come back to home row position.

2nd Home Row Dictation

If there is time left:

Week 32: Digital Citizenship- Let's Give Credit

Go over today's lesson intention!

Today I will...learn that we all create online

so I can...give credit to others for their work.

I know I have it when...I can explain what it means to give credit and why it's more respectful to do it.

Click on your teacher's name to open the lesson:

Week 29-31: Code HS- Moving Targets Game

Go over today's lesson intention!

Today I will...use all the skills I've learned this year

so I can...design a moving targets game.

I know I have it when...I have 3 targets scrolling across the screen continually, and my main sprite can shoot up to hit one when clicked.

B6: Moving Targets Game Code HS

1) Open Code HS in the Quick Links

2) Code your project

Week 28: Code HS- Snowman at Night

Go over today's lesson intention!

Today I will...use the change scenes block

so I can...take my story to different backgrounds

I know I have it when...I make a snowman sprite, give it a background and code it to change to a different background at the end and start a new algorithm.  My story should look like a snowman is visiting different places.

B6: Snowmen at Night Lesson

1) Open Code HS in the Quick Links

2) Code your project

Week 27: Code HS- Nursery Rhyme

Go over today's lesson intention!

Today I will...use the "broadcast" buttons and test my knowledge of "sequence"

so I can...code a nursery rhyme

I know I have it when...my project goes in the same order as they nursery rhyme

B6: Nursery Rhyme Itsy Bitsy Spider

Week 26: Digital Citizenship- Putting a Stop to Meanness Online

Go over today's lesson intention!

Today I will...learn what cyberbullying is

so I can...be an upstander for others and for myself online.

I know I have it when...I can explain what to do in a cyberbullying situation, especially the solution to tell a trusted adult.

Click on your teacher's name to open the lesson:

Week 25: Bee Bots!

Go over today's lesson intention!

Today I will...program Bee Bots

so I can...see how coding works off the screen

I know I have it when...I can program my bee bot to go from one specific place to another, like on the word board to spell the word "pelican."

Meet the Bee Bot

Head to the Bee Bot Simulator until it's your turn to play with the Bee Bots and Story board.

Week 24: (Tues-Thurs) Typing Club Marathon

Go over today's lesson intention!

Today I will...do as many lessons as I can in Typing Club

so I can...get stronger in typing by touch

I know I have it when...I start and end on home row and use the correct fingers for their specific keys on the keyboard.

Click on your teacher's name to take a Nearpod survey about Mrs. Hansen and Computer class:

Log into Typing Club and pick up where you left off last and see how far you can get!

Week 23: Into to the "Wait" Block

See if you can do it faster this time!

Go over today's lesson intention!

Today I will...use the wait block

so I can...make 2 sprites have a conversation.

I know I have it when...I have one sprite coded to wait while the other is coded to talk.

B3: Intro to Wait Block Code HS

1) Open Code HS in the Quick Links

2) Code your project

Week 22: Code HS- Making a Plant Grow

Go over today's lesson intention!

Today I will...use the "Broadcast" buttons

so I can...use one sprite to send a message to another

I know I have it when...my "sun" sprite send the message to the plant to make it grow bigger.

B5: Making a Plant Grow Instructions

1) Open Scratch Jr in Code HS 

2) Choose a background

3) Choose a plant sprite

4) Add the "sun" sprite

5) Make the sun spin when clicked and send a message to the plant.

6) Code the plant to grow when it receives the message from the sun.

Week 21: Collecting Data- Venn Diagrams

Go over today's lesson intention!

Today I will...use a venn diagram

so I can...sort data

I know I have it when...I can sort the data into the correct sections that represent them.

Click on your teacher's name to open the Nearpod:

If there is time left, play Fuzz Bugs game again under "Self Start."

Week 20: Collecting Data- Charts & Graphs

Go over today's lesson intention!

Today I will...learn about pie charts, graphs and pictographs

so I can...learn about different ways to sort and analyze data

I know I have it when...I can explain what each type does and collect my own data about my class and represent it.

Click on your teacher's name to open the Nearpod lesson:

If there is time left, play Fuzz Bugs game again under "Self Start."

Week 19: Holiday Fun Choice Day!

Week 18: Digital Citizenship- Who's in Your Online Community?

Today I will...

so I can...

I know I have it when...

Click on your teacher's button below and sign into the Nearpod lesson.

Click on your teacher's name to open the lesson:

Mrs. Paepke

If there's time, go to the Free Choice Board :)

Week 17- Code HS: Intro to Debugging

Today I will...learn what debugging is

so I can...fix problems with my code and learn even more about coding.

I know I have it when... I look for problems in the sequence and try different things to fix the problem.

B5: Intro to Debugging

Log into Code HS and complete the assignment.  Try one of the extensions if you have time!

Week 16- Code HS: Events Review

Today I will...review events

so I can...use different kinds of events to start my algorithms.

I know I have it when... I use the events correctly to start the sequences.

2:3 Events Review

Log into Code HS and complete the assignment.  Try one of the extensions if you have time!

Week 15 (Tues.): Thanksgiving Fun!

Week 15 (Tuesday): scroll to Week 14 to catch up

Week 14: Digital Footprint & Identity Nearpod

Today I will...learn about digital footprints

so I can...keep mine safe, responsible and respectful

I know I have it when...I can say what is and is not okay to share online

Click on your teacher's button below and sign into the Nearpod lesson.

Click on your teacher's name to open the lesson:

Mrs. Udall

Mrs. Paepke

If there's time, go to the Free Choice Board :)

Week 13: Code HS- Drawings Tools Review 

Go over today's lesson intention!

Today I will...use Scratch Jr in Code HS

so I can...learn about coding!

I know I have it when...I click my teacher's button, find my name and animal password, and use motion blocks to make my character dance.

B2: Drawing Tools Code HS

Week 12: Intro to Code HS- Wildlife Scene 

Go over today's lesson intention!

Today I will...use Scratch Jr in Code HS

so I can...learn about coding!

I know I have it when...I click my teacher's button, find my name and animal password, and use motion blocks to make my character dance.

2:1- Wildlife Scene

Week 11: Halloween Fun! 

Week 10: Draw a Pumpkin with Autodraw

Today I will...learn how to use the "Shapes" and "Fill Color" commands

so I can...make my own Jack-o-Lantern

I know I have it when...I can insert a shape, fill it with color, and add text to make the pumpkin say "boo!"

G Autodraw Jack-o-lantern 2nd g.webm

Click on the Google Autodraw button below to create your own Jack-o-lantern!  If you need to see directions again, click on the video under "Instruction Time" to watch Mrs. Hansen do it again.

Fast Finishers: head to the 

Halloween Games Choice Board

Week 9: Internet Safety

Today I will learn what private information means

so I can be safe when on the internet.

I know I have it when I can recognize examples of private information that I shouldn't share on the internet

Click on your teacher's name to open the lesson:

Week 8: Catch-Up Day (Tues-Thurs)

Go over today's lesson intention!

Today I will...practice the school login

so I can...log in and out of the lab computers independently

I know I have it when...I use the correct generic school username and password and can log in and out 3 times.

Generic Login Instructions

Log in and out 3 times, then head to the Free Choice Board.

Week 7: Logging into the Lab Computers

Go over today's lesson intention!

Today I will...practice the school login

so I can...log in and out of the lab computers independently

I know I have it when...I use the correct generic school username and password and can log in and out 3 times.

Generic Login Instructions

Log in and out 3 times, then head to the Free Choice Board.

Week 6: Intro to Touch Typing

Go over today's lesson intention!

Today I will learn about Home Row

so I can have proper typing technique.

I know I have it when I put my hands on Home Row to start typing and remember that home row keys are where my fingers start and come back to between being used.

We're going to watch the video below and discuss why it's important to use certain fingers to type specific letters.

Head back to Typing Club for 20 minutes.  If there is still time after, head to the Free Choice Board.

Week 5: Digital Citizenship (Media Balance)

Click on the button with your teacher's name to start today's lesson

Go over today's lesson intention!

Today I will learn about device-free moments

so I can be safe, respectful, focused, and healthy.

I know I have it when I can give an example of how devices can get in the way of my safety, respect to others, sleep, or concentration.

Click on your teacher's name to open the lesson:

Free Choice Board if there is time left

Week 4: Listen & Follow

Go over today's lesson intention!

Today I will learn what whole-body listening is

so I can practice listening & following directions

I know I have it when my body is still, eyes on the speaker, voice level 0 and following directions.

Click on Typing Club in the Quick Links and type your username in the box.  

No password!

Week 3: Attention Signal & Voice Level

Go over today's lesson intention!

Today I will learn and practice Mrs. Hansen attention signal and classroom voice levels

so I can use the right volume of my voice and be able to give my attention quickly

I know I have it when I put both hands on my head when Mrs. Hansen says "Hands on top" and my voice level goes right to 0.

Click on Typing Club in the Quick Links and type your username in the box.  

No password!

Week 2: Self-Start

Go over today's lesson intention!

Today I will learn what it means to have a "self-start" learning habit

so I can be in charge of my own learning

I know I have it when I don't bring toys to class or use the bin if I forget, pass out login cards, use good posture

Click on Typing Club in the Quick Links and type your username in the box.  

No password!

Week 1: Welcome to the Lab, Move with Purpose & Logging in

Go over today's lesson intention!

Today I will learn about Mrs. Hansen's learner habits and practice logging in with the school login 

so I can help my class get a "5" on our scoops and to be able to use the desktop computers

I know I have it when I practice moving with Purpose with arms folded or at my sides and log in and out with the school's login.

Head to the Free Choice Board