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Week 37: Last Day in the Lab!

Today you can spend all of class on the 

Free Choice Board!!

Have a




If you missed a class, you can see what we learned in past weeks by scrolling below

Week 35 & 36: Code HS- Dragons Love Tacos

Go over today's lesson intention!

Today I will...use the "change scene" block in Scratch Jr

so I can...make my story continue in different backgrounds

I know I have it when...I code my sprite to reach a goal object and then my line of code ends with "change scene" to change the background.

A:6- Dragons love tacos
A:6 Dragons Instructions

Week 34: Intro to Grow/ Shrink Blocks

Go over today's lesson intention!

Today I will...use the grow  and shrink  blocks

so I can...make a sprite bigger or smaller.

I know I have it when...my sprites grow and shrink as they are coded to do.

1:11- Intro to Grow/Shrink

1) Open Code HS

2) Code your project

Week 33: Typing Club Marathon

Log into Typing Club (Jungle Jr) and see how many lessons you can get through today!

Week 32: Digital Citizenship- No Fake News

Go over today's lesson intention!

Today I will...learn what optical illusions are

so I can...figure out what is real and not real online.

I know I have it when...I can explain what an illusion is and how to figure out if a picture is real or fake.

Click on your teacher's last initial below to open the Nearpod lesson:

Week 31: Free coding or Free Choice Board

Today you can choose between:

1) Free Choice Board

2) Code HS- work on old projects or make a new one

Week 30: Code HS- Intro to Show/Hide

Go over today's lesson intention!

Today I will...use the show and hide blocks

so I can...cause a sprite to disappear or appear

I know I have it when...I use the "hide" block to make a sprite disappear and the "show" block to make it reappear.

1:10- Hide/Show Scratch Jr. - Kinder

1) Open Code HS

2) Code your project

Week 29: Code HS- Reverse Engineering

Go over today's lesson intention!

Today I will...use reverse engineering

so I can...re-create a story that I see

I know I have it when...I add all the same sprites and background, and I code the sprites to move in exactly the same ways as the example project.

1:9 - Reverse Engineering Scratch Jr.

1) Open Code HS

2) Code your project

Week 28: Code HS- Intro to Pages

Go over today's lesson intention!

Today I will...add a new scene

so I can...create a coding project with more than one page.

I know I have it when...I put the red "add page" button to the end of my code to automatically change the background like turning pages in a book.

A7: Intro to Pages Code HS or Dance Fever

1) Open Code HS

2) Code your project

Week 27: Code HS- Events Skills Practice 

Go over today's lesson intention!

Today I will...practice using event blocks

so I can...trigger my code to start in different ways.

I know I have it when...I can make two characters kick a ball back and forth and talk.

1:7 Events Skills Practice

1) Open Code HS

2) Code your project

Week 26: Digital Citizenship- Screen Out the Mean

Go over today's lesson intention!

Today I will...learn what cyberbullying is

so I can...be an upstander for others and for myself online.

I know I have it when...I can explain what to do in a cyberbullying situation, especially the solution to tell a trusted adult.

Week 25: Intro to Bee Bots!

Go over today's lesson intention!

Today I will...program Bee Bots

so I can...see how coding works off the screen

I know I have it when...I can program my bee bot to go from one specific place to another, like on the word board to spell the word "pelican."

Meet the Bee Bot

Head to the Bee Bot Simulator while you wait for your turn with the Bee Bots and the dice game.

Week 24: Jungle Jr Marathon

Go over today's lesson intention!

Today I will...go through as many Jungle Jr lessons as I can

so I can...use the correct fingers for each key

I know I have it when...I can log into Typing Club with my username and pick up where I left off.

Week 23: Code HS- Dance Fever

Go over today's lesson intention!

Today I will...use the "when bumped" event

so I can...code 3 sprites playing reverse dance tag

I know I have it when...my 1st sprite starts with a green flag event and is coded to touch the 2nd sprite and the 2nd sprite is coded to start a dance when it's bumped.

1:6 Dance Fever

1) Open Code HS

2) Code your project

Week 22: Code HS- Animal House

Go over today's lesson intention!

Today I will...use the "When Clicked" event and "sound" button

so I can...code an interactive game to hear animal sounds

I know I have it when...I record an animal sound and add it to an animal's code that starts when it's clicked on.

1:5: Animal House

1) Open Code HS

2) Code your Animal House

Week 21: Intro to Typing Club- Jungle Jr.

Go over today's lesson intention!

Today I will...learn how to log into Typing Club

so I can...use Jungle Jr to learn how to type

I know I have it when...I can click the "Typing Club" button and type in my ASD username to log in and begin the lessons.

Week 20: Parts of a Computer

Go over today's lesson intention!

Today I will...learn what "data" is

so I can...learn how to collect and sort information.

I know I have it when... can look at a pictograph chart and figure out how many books belong to each person.

Week 19 (Tues-Wed): Holiday Fun Choice Day!

Week 18: Safety in My Online Neighborhood

Go over today's lesson intention!

Today I will...discover that the internet can be used to visit faraway places and learn new things

so I can...stay safe online just like staying safe in a new real place

I know I have it when....I can explain rules for traveling safely on the internet

If we have time, head to the Free Choice Board!

Week 17: Code HS- Loops

Go over today's lesson intention!

Today I will...learn what loops are

so I can...repeat part of my algorithm multiple times without having to add more blocks

I know I have it when...I use the orange repeat blocks around the commands that I want repeated.

A2 & A3: Loops Code HS

1) Open Code HS with your teacher's letter on it and sign in.

Week 16: Code HS- Intro to Events

Go over today's lesson intention!

Today I will...learn what events are

so I can...start all of my sprites' code at the same time by clicking the green flag at the top of the stage

I know I have it when...I start all of my sprites' code with the "green flag" block.

1:3- Intro to Events

1) Open Code HS with your teacher's letter on it and sign in.

Week 15 (Tuesday): scroll to Week 14 to catch up

Week 15: Thanksgiving Fun!

Go over today's lesson intention!

Today I will...play fun some Thanksgiving games

so I can...be ready to celebrate!

I know I have it when...I am staying engaged and following class rules

Today you can play Thanksgiving games or the typing games from today's self-start.

Week 14: Digital Footprint & Identity Nearpod

Go over today's lesson intention!

Today I will...learn about what digital footprints are made of

so I can...start now to create a safe and positive one over my lifetime

I know I have it when...I can say what is okay and what is not okay to share online.

If there is time, you can head to the Free Choice Board :)

Week 13: Code HS- Intro to Drawing Tools

Go over today's lesson intention!

Today I will...use drawing tools in Scratch Jr

so I can...re-color sprites and backgrounds.

I know I have it when...I click the paintbrush tool and recolor already-made sprites by filling shapes with different colors.

1:2- Drawing Tools

Week 12: Intro to Code HS and Scratch Jr.

Go over today's lesson intention!

Today I will...use Scratch Jr in Code HS

so I can...learn about coding!

I know I have it when...I click my teacher's button, find my name and animal password, and use motion blocks to make my character dance.

A1: Intro to Scratch Jr.

Week 11: Halloween Fun!

Go over today's lesson intention!

Today I will...practice the school login 

so I can...play Halloween games after!

I know I have it when...I type the username and password correctly 5 times, log in successfully, and get to the Halloween games page.

Week 10: Build a Jack-o-Lantern (Tues & Wed)

Go over today's lesson intention!

Today I will...use my mouse skills like click & drag

so I can...make my own digital jack-o-lantern

I know I have it when...I choose all the parts of my jack-o-lantern and drag them onto the pumpkin.

Week 9: Internet Safety

Today I will learn how to tell whether a web site is good or not right for me

so I can be safe on the internet

I know I have it when I can use the colors on the internet traffic light to show whether I think a website is good for me, not sure, or not good for me. 

Click on your teacher's last initial below to open the Nearpod lesson:

Click the button below and practice typing the school login 5 times:



Week 8 : Catch-Up Day (Tues-Thurs)

Click the button below and practice typing the school login 5 times:



Go over today's lesson intention!

Today I will learn how to log into the lab computers with the school username/password

so I can eventually learn how to do it with my own username and password.

I know I have it when I check to make sure the CAPS LOCK is off and that there's no spaces at the beginning and can log in successfully.

Generic Login Instructions

Log into the computer with the SCHOOL username and password 

Week 7 : Generic Login Practice

Go over today's lesson intention!

Today I will learn how to log into the lab computers with the school username/password

so I can eventually learn how to do it with my own username and password.

I know I have it when I check to make sure the CAPS LOCK is off and that there's no spaces at the beginning and can log in successfully.

Generic Login Instructions

Click the Blank Typing Page button and type the login 5 times



Raise your hand when done

Fast Finishers: go back to keyboard Zoo

Week 6 : Left & Right Sides of the Keyboard

Go over today's lesson intention!

Today I will learn which letters are on the left and right sides of the keyboard

so I can eventually learn how to type by touch.

I know I have it when I can play Keyboard Zoo correctly and use the left hand for the blue keys and the right hand for the purple keys.

Week 5: Digital Citizenship (Media Balance)

Go over today's lesson intention!

Today I will learn about taking breaks from technology

so I can have a healthy media balance

I know I have it when I can pause my technology use for other things.

Click on your teacher's last initial below to open the Nearpod lesson:

If we have time left

Week 4: Listen & Follow

Go over today's lesson intention!

Today I will use whole-body listening

so I can create a habit of listening and following

I know I have it when my voice is at level 0, my body is still, my eyes are on the speaker.

Week 3: Attention Signal & Voice Levels

Go over today's lesson intention!

Today I will learn Mrs. Hansen's signal and voice levels

so I can use the right volume of voice when asked to and give full attention when needed

I know I have it when my voice is off at level 0 during instruction time and level 1 during work time.

Week 2: Self-Start & Intro to the Mouse

Go over today's lesson intention!

Today I will learn about the school's technology rules and how to move and click a mouse

so I can be safe on the computer and know how to click on things.

I know I have it when I move the mouse cursor to an object and use the white star button to click on it.

Try these 2 games to practice moving and clicking the mouse!

Week 1: Welcome to the Computer Lab & Move with Purpose 

Go over today's lesson intention!

Today I will learn about Mrs. Hansen's learner habits and learn how to use a mouse 

so I can help my class get a "5" on our scoops and to be able to use the desktop computers

I know I have it when I move directly where I need to be with a voice level 0 and quiet feet, and when I use the mouse to move the cursor and click to select.

If there is time left, head to the Free Choice Board!