YOUtopia [Registration Closed]

Dates: August 10-14

Time: 11:00 am - 12:00 pm daily

Grades: K-2

Description: Are you ready to make the future? Got creative ideas in your brain and your fingertips? Want to make a world that doesn’t exist yet? Join Assemble to build a YOUTopia, creating your own city, culture, technology, and experiences. Help design the world that YOU want to live in!

Over the week, students will:

● Define their YOUtopia with a Newspaper Article activity

● Learn about Smart Cities and use an engineering challenge to design a park

● Draw and Design their own Dream House while learning about Scale and Room Design

● Create Futuristic Prototypes of the technology of tomorrow ● Model & Build their own YOUTopia

● Potential extra activity: Newspaper Shoe

Platform: Zoom

Questions about this camp can be directed to:
Ja’Sonta Roberts, ja’