Backyard Nature Safari!

Dates: August 10-14 & August 17-21

Grades: K-2 (12:30 pm daily)

3-5 (2:00 pm daily)

Description: Every day, participants can expect to engage in a live, interactive environmental education lesson. Topics for younger students range from making nature kaleidoscopes, learning how to create a bee home, constellation stories, building bird nests, creating rainsticks, and much more. Most of these programs have a make-and-take item as well that can be recreated at home with recycled materials or common craft items.

Topics for older children include webinars such as; owls, snakes and frogs of PA, how to compost at home, butterflies, bald eagles, creating backyard habitats and more. I have a wide range of topics and programming available virtually.

Platform: Zoom