Parents and Carers

General School Information


In the event of unexpected school closure information will be posted on the school website home page. 

In the unlikely event that the school does close for any reason, this decision will be broadcast on BBC RADIO GLOUCESTERSHIRE.and HEART FM. 

A council website list of closed schools will also be available at

Parents will be notified by Miss Oakey via Class Dojo & our school Facebook page as soon as this decision is made. 


Each day begins with nurture time and breakfast.  Children have a choice of a hot or cold drink, toast or cereal. The class teams eat together and then all take part in Wake and Shake to start the day off with fun and movement. 


Mid morning fruit is provided for all children.  Mid afternoon another opportunity for a fruit snack is available to all children.


Children may bring in a packed lunch The Ridge Academy supports the provision of a healthy lunch box, encouraging parents to include healthy options. A leaflet is available in school produced by Gloucester Health Promotion suggesting healthy ideas. A cooked lunch is provided at the school at a cost of £2.20 per day.

You may be eligible for a free school lunch if you receive:

•             Income Support (IS) 

•             Income Based Jobseekers Allowance (IBJSA) 

•             Support under part VI of the Immigration and Asylum Act 1999 

•             Child Tax Credit, but are not entitled to Working Tax Credit, and your annual income (as assessed by the Inland Revenue) does not exceed £14,155 . This is worked out by the Inland Revenue who will issue a Tax Credit Award notice (TC602) to an applicant. 

•             The guarantee element of State Pension Credit. 


The majority of children start at The Ridge Academy with a full time placement; some require part time and others a staggered transition.  The school year runs from Sept.1st- Aug. 31st. Before joining us each child will benefit from the opportunity to spend time in class visiting with a parent or carer. Every family receives a pre entry visit from our Family Support Team  and will liaise with supporting agencies to ensure the best possible transition to The Ridge Academy.

The first few days at our Academy will be supported through the Nurture group, an onsite provision allowing time to adjust and prepare for school life, meet new friends and get to know the class teacher.

The most important way to help your child prepare for school is to talk to him/her and the class teacher about the school day, share and join in with school activities. A Starting School pack is available; ask in the school office if you would like a copy. 


Admission arrangements are detailed in the school prospectus or obtained from Local Authority SEN casework.  Please contact the school for more information.  Applications for in year admissions can be made direct to the school who will support requests by contacting relevant supporting agencies. Click here to see our Admissions Policy


We encourage parental involvement in many ways and see educating your child as a partnership; we need your support in all aspects of school life. This support takes the form of mutual trust and understanding built up over the years your child is with us. There is a form available through school to let us know how you may be able to help in school.

You will receive regular phone calls from your class team and a daily home school diary will be sent home with your child, in his/her book bag. Please complete the diary daily and additionally phone the school office if there are any changes at home that may impact on your child’s emotional; and behavioural attitude in school. 


We hold consultation evenings to keep parents informed and involved with progression. A written report is issued each summer term. The Ridge Academy maintains an open school ethos, wherever possible teachers try to deal with issues immediately. Equally staff appreciate strong contact with parents, catching or phoning parents/guardians at the end of the school day. Teachers would like to stress that they are always willing to make appointments with parents whatever the time of term (not just parent consultation evenings); our children achieve more with a solid working partnership between parents and school.

Staff are aware that some parents find it difficult to be around at the end of the school day because of their working hours. Teachers are available before school, you only need to ask. The admin e-mail  is opened daily. This is a useful form of contact for those who cannot get into school. 


Parents and teachers are asked to sign a Home/School Agreement and work together regarding your child's needs and welfare. If a teacher needs to discuss a child's behaviour then parents / carers will be contacted. We regard the welfare of our pupils as a collective responsibility; a home/school partnership. We have strong links with outside agencies and will aim to work together to help the child together.


If your child is ill we will look after him/her until you are able to get to school or we can arrange transport home. Please keep your child home if he/she is unwell and telephone the school or send a note of explanation when he/she returns. A letter or phone call is required if for any reason your child is to leave school early or arrive late. 

If absences are unauthorized or a child is persistently late the attendance procedures will be followed. We have a policy to assure the safety of everyone at The Ridge Academy.  If your child has an accident she/he will be given the correct attention at the time and you will be informed of the incident. You will need to sign a form in order for school to administer medication to your child. Our Family Support Worker will discuss these and any other forms with you and will be available to help you complete them.

In the event of serious accident it may be necessary for us to telephone an ambulance and give permission for any medical treatment. A registration form giving us this permission is included at the back of this document. Ask at the school office for a form.


Parents are asked to encourage their children to wear school uniform although it is not compulsory. All items of clothing should be marked clearly with your child's name. 

BOYS Blue school sweatshirt with logo, grey trousers, white polo shirt. White polo shirt  and grey shorts for summer. Sensible black shoes or trainers. 

GIRLS Blue school sweatshirt or sweatshirt cardigan with logo, grey skirt or pinafore, white polo shirt. A blue and white check dress for summer. Sensible shoes or trainers. Plain black trousers can be worn by girls during the winter months.

P.E. kit ; trainers , T-shirt, shorts. A track suit is useful for cold weather activities. 


Our school has a positive family ethos, pupils are encouraged to show respect for others and their environment. 

We have a Positive Behaviour Policy and children are regularly reminded of our school rules, (pupils were involved in creating our Positive Behaviour Policy). Policy available on request. School adheres to the national guidance concerned with the use of force to manage a pupil's behaviour and all staff our training in the Team Teach positive handling system.

The school building is suitable for wheel-chair access. 


AET provides a clear, transparent and professional process for dealing with complaints relating to its academies.

Individuals and especially parents/carers should always know how they can raise concerns or lodge a complaint. The policy can be found below and will also be available in paper format. Procedures should be as timely as possible. Each stage of the procedure has stipulated time limits. Where it is not possible to meet these, information about progress will be given to the complainant. Please see a copy of our complaints policy for more information - Complaints Policy


The Ridge Academy  is committed to providing the best education possible for all its pupils free of charge.  However there are instances where charges need to be made.  Please see a copy of our charging policy for more information - Charging and Remissions Policy