
English Curriculum Overview

The Reading Spine

Here are the some of the books our children will encounter on their reading journey in KS2. These have been selected to reflect pupils reality, contain a mixture of classic, modern and representative tests as well as reflecting an appropriate level of challenge. It is balanced, diverse, representative and coherent.


For those pupils who have completed RWI phonics we follow a Mastery approach to reading using Pathways To Read. Units of work are delivered using high-quality texts and children are given varied opportunities for reading. Skills are built up through repetition in the units, with the opportunity to master key reading skills in each session. 


We use Pathways To Write to drive our writing curriculum. This aligns with Pathways To Read, enabling our pupils to make meaningful links between texts. Pathways To Write is a proven methodology that develops vocabulary, reading and writing skills through the mastery approach. Children are provided with a variety of writing opportunities linked to high-quality texts. 

Writing Curriculum Overview                                                             Reading Curriculum Overview

Writing Curriculum Overview Pathways To Write
Reading Curriculum Overview - RWI and Pathways To Read