
Curriculum Intent

"Science is important because it provides us with mysteries to wonder about and beauty to wonder at.

Science is important because it is part of the honourable quest that is the search for truth and knowledge.

Science is important because it encourages us to question authority and provides a means for doing so.

Science is important because it grounds us in reality – it can challenge us and force us to change our minds."

~ Martin Budden


The intent of the science curriculum at New Forest academy is to prepare students to deeply explore, critically question and intellectually engage with the phenomenons in the world around them. To unpick the magic of the universe and to question ‘what would happen if’ and ‘why’.

It is our aim to develop their disciplinary and scientific knowledge and to challenge them to apply that knowledge in different contexts to demonstrate understanding. For pupils to explain and evaluate ideas using this knowledge, to formulate and question conclusions, investigate hypotheses and problem solve.

New Forest Academy scientists build long term retention of this knowledge by making links between the main key ideas within the sciences- cells, forces, particles and energy- which they continually build upon during their time here and as such develop into scientifically literate and critically thinking individuals who are ready for the next steps in their lives.

Please click on the document links below to view our Curriculum Maps for Science.

Year 7 Science Curriculum Map

Year 8 Science Curriculum Map

Year 9 Science Curriculum Map

Year 10 Science Curriculum Map

Year 11 Science Curriculum Map