
Curriculum Intent

“You have to know the past to understand the present” Carl Sagan

The New Forest Academy History department’s vision is to enable young people to actively engage with the range and breadth of history, and to understand how the past has shaped the present and influences the future. 

The department will make history relevant, engaging and ambitious for all students. The History curriculum will foster skills of critical enquiry to enable pupils to question the past and the world around them. Build both historical knowledge and skills, understanding that the two are fundamentally entwined. Enable pupils to see a coherent, big picture of history and how this applies to the challenges of today. The curriculum will expose pupils to a wide variety of experiences and skills that ready them for the world beyond the classroom. The department will share the beauty of History through the power of storytelling. 

As a result History students at New Forest Academy will have a broad knowledge and understanding of the past at local, national and global level. Students will have an awareness of the historic environments in the local community and its relationships to wider issues. Furthermore the History curriculum will allow students to have an understanding and appreciation of a diverse range of cultures, societies and values so that different voices are heard and celebrated. They will be able to express opinions and develop judgement about the world that are rooted in evidence. As such they will be able to ask powerful questions of the past as well as explore them. The curriculum will enable students to understand the process of history and the historian's craft and have a knowledge and understanding of past events to enable them to enact critically with the present. Lastly the students will develop a lifelong love of history that goes beyond the classroom.

Please click on the document link below to view the Curriculum Map for History.

History Curriculum Map