
Curriculum Intent

Dance at New Forest Academy is a subject which draws upon students’ creative thinking and challenges their physical skills.  The course is one that aims to give students’ an appreciation for the art form, as well as benefiting from the life skills that working towards performance outcomes can offer.   

The curriculum is designed to build the knowledge, skills and understanding required for the dance course offered through the three stranded approach of blending performance, choreography and dance analysis. Students study a range of dance genres and explore existing works by choreographers from diverse cultures and backgrounds.   

Students undertake the BTEC Tech Award in Performing Arts (dance route) qualification which is strongly centred around building the analytical skills required to fully explain and justify their opinions, backed up with relevant research. Through evaluating the contextual information of existing professional dance works, they develop a critical understanding of the work’s impact and consequent shaping of the performing arts industry. Throughout the course, students will observe how dance can challenge viewpoints, celebrate, inspire and inform audiences. 

Through theoretical and practical exploration of professional choreographer’s work, students learn some of the approaches that are possible to create movement of their own and as a result are able to make imaginative and meaningful decisions. Students are taught how to develop their own movement material, alongside learning the techniques and core principles of correct dance technique.

Students have access to practical technique classes in the genres of contemporary, jazz, musical theatre, street and ballet at the school. The progressive execution of increasing core strength, flexibility and fitness, is interwoven into weekly classes. Other aspects of dance technique are continually developed such as balance, coordination, extension, projection and expression. We hope students become more active and aware of how to use dance as a way to contribute to a healthy lifestyle. 

Please click on the document link below to view our Curriculum Map for Dance.

Dance Curriculum Map