Computer Science

Curriculum Intent

“Computers are incredibly fast, accurate, and stupid. Human beings are incredibly slow, inaccurate, and brilliant. Together they are powerful beyond imagination.” ~ Albert Einstein, Physicist

At New Forest Academy Computer Science is an opportunity to allow pupils to explore new methods of thinking in a way to solve a wide range of different types of problems. Pupils are encouraged, no matter who they are, to adopt new thinking skills in a way to solve problems they come across in everyday life.

Pupils will be introduced to new environments, concepts, processes & work methods to entice computational thinking to hone skills in Declarative knowledge (‘knowing that’) & procedural knowledge (‘knowing how’) in many areas covered in Computer Science.


Pupils will study across 3 Key strands of knowledge:

➔  Computer Science

Computer science is a dynamic and rapidly growing area that has become an integral part of the world that we live in today. The knowledge and experience that pupils will acquire will allow them to develop cutting-edge solutions that address today’s challenges.

➔  Information Technology

Studying information technology gives pupils the chance to pursue multidisciplinary fields which opens up numerous career opportunities. Pupils will benefit from learning the effective use of many industry standard software applications and suites to allow them to compete in highly competitive job markets both internationally and in the local community.

➔  Digital Literacy

Digital literacy encompasses the skills required to use technology safely, effectively and responsibly. As technology continues to become more and more ingrained in daily life, the importance of learning digital literacy skills is becoming increasingly apparent.


Pupils are getting a curriculum rich in work that challenges the standard methods of thinking and encourages pupils to use different methods of thinking. Across the breadth of the curriculum pupils have a wide scope of experiences that are not normally experienced in other subjects on the wider curriculum of the school.

Please click on the document link below to view our Curriculum Maps for Computer Science.

Year 7 Computer Science Curriculum Map

Year 8 Computer Science Curriculum Map

Year 9 Computer Science Curriculum Map