
Safeguarding is everybody’s responsibility

Safeguarding is an integral part of our life at Kingsley Academy and it is everyone’s responsibility. At Kingsley staff receive regular and up to date training to help them protect and promote the wellbeing of all students.

At Kingsley we speak of kindness and it is so important to us that children feel safe. We support students in our day to day teaching, a robust PSHE curriculum and through outside specialist organisations such as the LVA. Students are able to share any concerns using our dedicated email address, a letter box to speak to our school counsellor or through any member of staff. We have a student support centre that students can use at any time and we will always be there to support them.

We have a dedicated email that students and families can use if they have any concerns. This email address is If you wish to share any concerns all emails sent to this address will be shared with our dedicated members of the safeguarding team and we will be in touch to offer support.

At times, we may need to share information, get advice or work in partnership with other agencies if we are concerned about a child’s welfare. We have a duty of care for all students and will always do what is needed to achieve the best outcomes.

Key contacts:

What can you do ?

Parents and carers play a role in safeguarding children in their community. If you have any concerns, no matter how small, you should report them to someone who you trust will listen. The school is required to have a designated child protection officer for this purpose. Parents and children should speak to the safeguarding officer if they have any concerns about a child or staff member.

If you think a child or young person may be in immediate danger, call 999. Otherwise contact Hounslow Children’s Social Care on: 02085836600.