Our Personal Development curriculum is ambitious and mapped to the PSHE, RSE and Citizenship curricula targeting DEI and incorporating an impressive careers education. Students study statutory topics in PSHCE such as:

Students also learn about British Values through the Citizenship modules taught via PSHCE: 

Our spiral curriculum allows content to be revisited across the key stages, refined age appropriately and knowledge deepened as understanding grows and develops. Personal Development empowers our pupils to understand and celebrate their identity and become healthy, active, safe and responsible citizens. We believe that providing all pupils with quality first teaching, age-appropriate knowledge and challenging experiences through which to explore their character and future career we will create a courageous, kind and curious community – empowering excellence.

Key Contacts Parental Consultation Evening Presentation

If you have any inquiries regarding PSHCE, please view our trust wide RSE policy here

28/09/2023 - Parental Consultation Presentation

Request Form for PSHCE resources DfE Guidance Document

Please use this form to request any PSHCE resources that you would like us to share with you and we will respond as soon as possible
