Latest News
GCSE/ GCE Certificate Collection (2023-24) - 07/01/25 & 08/01/25
Year 11 and Year 13 leavers (Academic Year 2023-24) will be able to collect their GCSE/GCE certificates from the school reception on:
Tuesday, 7th January 2025 from 10:30am till 12:30pm and on Wednesday, 8th January 2025 from 10:00am till 12:30pm.
If collecting on behalf of someone, please provide a signed permission letter and you will be asked to produce ID for identification purposes.
We keep your certificates for a maximum period of 12 months, after which, you will have to apply to the individual exam boards for copies. This is also the case if you lose them.
Once you are in possession of your certificates, please keep them in a safe and secure place – you will be required to produce them throughout your career.
If you want the certificates posted to you, please send a stamped self address envelope to :
Mrs D Kaur (Exams Manager)
Kingsley Academy
Cecil Road, Hounslow
The stamped, self addressed envelope MUST be A4 in size and MUST have recorded or registered postage.
Once we receive the above, we'll send you the certificate. Please note that the school will not be held responsible if certificates are lost in the post.
Kingsley Academy's Year 12 film "Hidden Love" has won Best Cast: Years 10-12 in 10 Shot Film Awards 2024!
'Hidden Love' has been judged:
in the category of : Best Cast: Years 10-12
"I could see the relationship between the two leads and I liked how the scenes felt very natural and not over dramatic. My favourite for this year group"
- Suzanne Smith, Emmy Award-winning Casting Director ('Band of Brothers', 'Outlander', 'Good Omens')
2024 - 10 Shot Film Awards: Winners video
Pastoral Communications - Head of Year Inbox
Each year group now has a dedicated email inbox for parents to use if they have anyqueries or wish to get in touch with the Head of Year or Pastoral Support. Weencourage parents and carers to use this service to stay connected with the schooland support their child's journey.
Year 7 -
Year 8 -
Year 9 -
Year 10 -
Year 11 -
Thank you.