Art and Design Statement of Intent:

To produce artworks which encourage authenticity, creativity and reflection whilst becoming fluent in a variety of skills and techniques.


Aims and Objectives

When the children begin at Hockley Primary, they are quickly introduced to a vast array of tools, materials and techniques. As the children progress through the school, the children begin to master these techniques and develop their own artistic flair and authenticity through a variety of mediums and skills.

Drawing is at the heart of our Art curriculum; this builds the foundation for all other art areas. 

Children have ambitious goals and are facilitated to help build their fluency and automaticity in chosen specialisms. They are encouraged to experiment with their ideas and methods to develop their skills and build authenticity where they can visually perform their thinking on a chosen topic.

In EYFS, Art is recorded in Learning Journeys. Children in years 1-6 use sketchbooks to develop their ideas, skills, techniques and creativity. Sketchbooks are a place where children can explore their creative side and begin to master different specialisms. They are encouraged to take ownership over their work and present it in an authentic way. Sketchbooks are not marked by adults. Children are encouraged to reflect using the language of art and make ‘notes to self’ comments as well as self assessments. Adults give verbal feedback during lessons.

Art is taught through projects where children have the opportunity to practise skills, learn about key artists, then produce an authentic piece using learnt techniques and artist inspiration. Art lessons follow the flow below. Structure and magic.

Art projects are linked to phase group topics and are planned using the Art and Design Progression of Skills Map.

Art is taught as a subject in its own right, but can also be used as a medium for learning in other curriculum areas.

Planning for Art is developed through weekly collaborative planning meetings and should focus on the above flow as well as the finished artwork.

Work is personalised to fit the needs of individual students, to support and challenge them. The beauty of Art is that every child can access it at their own level, with suitable adjustments made if necessary. This could be chunky pencils to support with their level of fine motor skills or scaffolded templates to support with drawings (i.e. a face shape outline when drawing portraits). 

At Hockley Primary School we have mixed-age classes. As a result of this we use a two year rolling programme (Cycle A and Cycle B). Mastery approaches, higher standards and depth (rather than coverage) agendas are paving way for greater conceptual understanding in foundation subjects for all.