Reading and Phonics 

Early reading/ phonics statement of intent: 

 To develop and apply phonetic knowledge through decoding , segmenting and blending while encouraging curiosity through different genres to build fluent and ambitious readers. 

At Hockley Primary School we have adopted RWInc as our programme to teach phonics and reading to our children. Please see the attached information that will help you to support your children with reading at home.

EYFS RWinc Intro Parent Letter May 2022.pdf
RWinc Handbook for Parents 2022 (1).pdf

• Read with confidence, fluency and understanding within a range of text  types to a level matched to their ability. 

• Have an interest in books and develop the habit of reading a wide range  of texts across different genres for pleasure and information.

• Have acquired a vast and growing vocabulary in spoken and written  forms. 

• Have an understanding of grammar and knowledge of linguistic  conventions for reading, writing and spoken language. 

• Have developed the powers of imagination, inventiveness and critical  awareness.  

• Appreciate our rich and varied literacy heritage 

• Write clearly, accurately and coherently, adapting their language and  style in and for a range of contexts, purposes and audiences. 

• Use grammar and punctuation accurately when writing. 

• Develop their understanding of spelling conventions and to use and apply  these in their writing accurately.  

• Have a secure phonic knowledge with the ability to apply these skills to  read and spell accurately. 

• Have a fluent, neat and joined handwriting style. 

• Speak clearly and fluently, using discussion in order to learn by  elaborating and explaining their understanding and ideas. 

• Listen to the spoken word attentively with understanding and pleasure. 

• Are competent in making formal presentations and participating in  debate.

English leadership team is led and overseen by the English subject leader. The team is also made up of an Early Reading team, Phonics team and a GPS team. A monitoring system is in place to ensure the subject is taught effectively through the use of observations, book monitoring, area specific deep dives and the monitoring of assessment. 

There is a Reading Progression document which outlines the expectations of skills from EYFS to Year 6. This outlines Spelling, Handwriting, Composition, Vocabulary, Grammar and Punctuation. 

Spoken Language 

Reading (both word reading and comprehension) 

Writing (both transcription and composition) 

Spelling, punctuation, grammar and vocabulary  

These are key strands that are taught both discreetly in English lessons and across  all areas of the curriculum.