
Music Statement of Intent:

To provide pupils with an engaging and inspiring music education which develops their love of music and their talent as musicians

At Hockley Primary School, we make music an enjoyable learning experience. We encourage children to participate in a variety of musical experiences through which we aim to build up the confidence of all children. Our teaching focuses on developing: 

Music in the National Curriculum from 2014


The following dimensions are central to performing and composing and are a part of the curriculum for all year groups:

Pitch (high and low sounds; melody)

Duration (long and short sounds; rhythm)

Dynamics (loud and quiet sounds; contrasts)

Tempo (speed, keeping the pulse/beat)

Timbre (quality of sounds-the kind of sound instruments make and how to choose them for different purposes)

Texture (combining sounds to create different effects)

Structure (how music is put together, eg verse and chorus; beginning/middle/end)

Aims of teaching music are to:

Enable Foundation Stage children to:

Enable KS1 children to:

Enable KS2 children to:

At Hockley Primary School we have mixed-age classes. As a result of this we use a two year rolling programme (Cycle A and Cycle B). Mastery approaches, higher standards and depth (rather than coverage) agendas are paving way for greater conceptual understanding in foundation subjects for all.