Modern Foreign Languages

Modern Foreign Languages Statement of Intent:

To develop creative and confident communication within another language, understanding and responding verbally and in written form, with increasing fluency and ambition.

At Hockley Primary School we are learning French as our chosen language for MFL with access to a Spanish extra curricular club.

Subject organisation

French is the chosen language for the teaching of MFL at Hockley Primary School.  It is taught by all teachers from EYFS to Year 6, with year group specific planning.  The MFL lead is Eleanor Elliott.  The MFL lead is responsible for helping to develop the curriculum planning, monitoring the progress of pupils within the subject termly, ensuring all teaching staff have the skills in order to be able to teach MFL effectively and reviewing the planning annually.  The  MFL Planning from EYFS to Year 6 is designed to ensure all aspects of the National Curriculum for MFL are taught and the relevant skills are developed and revisited.  The progression of skills and knowledge have been mapped out in a  MFL Progression Map.