Parent and Community Advisory Board

Good governance is a sign of a good school, and a critical component of good academy governance is the effective representation and contribution from all stakeholders in the academy. The term ‘stakeholder’ includes parents and the wider local community: businesses, employers and not-for-profit organisations such as charities, sports and leisure clubs, and faith institutions.

These stakeholders are essential contributors to AET’s mission of each and every child being inspired to choose a Remarkable Life

The purpose of the PCAB

The Parent and Community Advisory Board (PCAB) has three key objectives:

Celebration - championing the strengths and achievements of the school, recognising that success breeds success, and that it is in everyone’s interests to promote the reputation of the academy and its pupils.

Community – a school does not exist independently of its community of local residents. The PCAB will act as a link between the two, ensuring that children benefit from local opportunities for learning, development and employment.

Concerns – No school gets everything right, all the time, and a good school thrives on clear channels of feedback. The PCAB is an independent point of contact for stakeholders to express their concerns and will help people find the appropriate processes and channels to communicate their concerns or complaints. Where trends emerge, the PCAB will help the Principal and the Governing Board to find solutions. PCAB members will also support panel hearings where appropriate.

All three of these objectives depend on excellent communications, and PCAB members will be good inclusive communicators who make all stakeholders feel that their voice is important and that they have access to information and activities. Creativity, problem-solving initiative, and a positive outlook are also desirable attributes for PCAB members.

Our PCAB Members:

Mr Jenkins Headteacher

Mrs Stone Class Teacher/SLT

Paul Taylor Community – PCAB Chair

Kate Joyce Parent – PTA Vice-Chair

Chris Butterworth Community – Head of Year 7 Greensward Academy

Kelly Holland Hockley Parish Council Clerk

Kelly Allison Parent Council/Parent

Holly Arnold Parent Council/Parent

Michelle Isherwood Parent Council/Parent

Gemma Deer. Parent Council/Parent

Rob Marek Parent Council/Parent

Sarah Drummond Jelly Beans Nursery

Rev Gillian Thomson Minister – Bramerton Road Community Church

Clerk – Karen Orwell