Design & Technology

Design & Technology Statement of Intent: 

To design, make and evaluate creative, purposeful products through selecting appropriate materials and developing technical expertise to solve real problems 

Aims of the Hockley Primary design and technology curriculum:

Design and Technology (DT)  at Hockley Primary prepares children for the developing technological world whilst encouraging them to think critically and creatively. The lessons taught help our children to consider the needs of individuals and of society within the context of a caring community. We aim for our children to use their growing knowledge to research, design, make and evaluate products that solve real world problems within a variety of contexts, whilst considering their own and others’ needs.

DT lessons are directly linked to phase group topics and are planned according to the needs of the age group. DT is taught as a subject in its own right, but can also be used as a medium for learning in other curriculum areas. We aim to, wherever possible, link work to other disciplines such as mathematics, science, engineering, computing and art. 

Planning for Design and Technology is developed through weekly collaborative planning meetings and should focus on a progression of skills as well as a finished product.

In EYFS, DT is recorded in Learning Journeys and in Years 1-6, it is recorded in Creative Arts books, at the back. Finished projects are vastly put on display in classrooms or shared areas to promote creativity, self-reflection and to promote self-confidence within the subject.

At Hockley Primary School we have mixed-age classes. As a result of this we use a two year rolling programme (Year A and Year B). Mastery approaches, higher standards and depth (rather than coverage) agendas are paving way for greater conceptual understanding in foundation subjects for all.