

At Charles Warren Academy, we believe that every child has the potential to succeed in mathematics. By the end of Year 6, we envisage our children to be able to think mathematically, be able to reason logically and be confident and accurate mathematicians. We aim to equip our children with the mathematical skills to apply to real life situations.


Our lessons are taught following the mathematics mastery approach. All children have access to the same curriculum content. Rather than being extended with new learning, children are taught to deepen their conceptual understanding by tackling challenging and varied problems. Pupils have opportunities to demonstrate their understanding through the use of concrete materials and pictorial representations. Lessons are carefully sequenced, which address children’s conceptual understanding, language and communication and mathematical thinking.

All children are expected to achieve well.

Intent – What are we trying to achieve?

Our intent for mathematics is for all children to achieve given the appropriate learning experiences within and beyond the classroom. We want our children to develop the confidence to apply their learning in different situations by building a deep conceptual understanding of mathematics. We aim for our children to become confident, independent mathematicians who can articulate, discuss and explain their reasoning using appropriate mathematical language.

Implementation –What does this look like in practice?

Our maths curriculum is knowledge-rich and allows for cumulative development of both knowledge and skills. Mathematical concepts taught allow pupils to continuously make connections in new areas of mathematics to further consolidate learning across the primary phase.

Mathematics is taught through daily with an additional arithmetic daily lesson. 

Each daily lesson has a six part lesson structure in EYFS – Year 5:

Year 6 pupils are taught through a small step progression approach, where they access learning at their own pace whilst still achieving high standards following the mastery approach.

Informal assessments are carried out in every maths lesson by teachers (through tasks completed and live marking). GL assessments are completed at different points of the year. 

Pupils are provided with opportunities at each part to focus on conceptual understanding, language and communication and mathematical thinking in relation to the concept being taught. This is evident through:

Our mathematics curriculum is inclusive of all needs ensures that all children can be supported through the use of scaffolds and challenges.  All teaching staff have been trained and supported to implement the approach in each class to ensure consistency across the school.

Impact – What is the impact of our curriculum?

We expect all children to make good progress in mathematics from their starting points. Children will be happy, confident learners who will actively be able to discuss their learning with others. They will be equipped with a strong knowledge of number and be able to problem solve and reason effectively; they will also be able to apply their mathematical knowledge to other areas of the curriculum as well as real-life problems.

By the time children leave our school they will: 

Curriculum Maps R-Y6.pdf
Vocabulary List Reception to Year 6.pdf
Key representations Y1-5.pdf

Working walls


Year 2

Year 6


Parent ‘how to’ videos link

Doodle parent videos link -


TT Rockstars

parent guide.docx
keep calm and rock on poster.docx

Fractions cheat sheet for parents (and children)

Fractions cheat sheet for parents.docx

Maths Dictionary 


Further useful information


To understand what specific interventions and home supports would alleviate summer math loss, more research is needed. But here are four fun ways for parents to help their children practice maths skills over the summer, based on work by Christodoulou, Lynch, and HGSE’s master teacher in mathematics, Noah Heller.

Useful links to continue learning at home

Adding_Fractions_-_Power_Point (1).ppt
Adding_and_Subtracting_Fractions (1).pptx
Area perimeter and volume revision.pptx
trapezium area.ppt
Volume Revision.pptx
Circle parts powerpoint.pptx
Circles main lesson.pptx
Angle Facts.pdf
Angles_between_Parallel_Lines (1).ppt
1._Straight_Line_Graphs (1).pdf
3-D Shapes (1).pps