Complaints Procedure

Complaints Procedure

From time to time, children, parents and others connected with the academy, will become aware of matters which will cause them concern. To ensure that all of these matters are resolved in an effective manner the Governors have adopted a complaint procedure.

The procedure was devised with the intention that it will:

How to make raise a concern or make a complaint

In the first instance, we would ask that parents and carers make an appointment with their child's class teacher to attempt to resolve the problem in an informal discussion. If after meeting with your child's teacher you feel that the issue remains unresolved, we ask that you make an appointment to meet with one of our Key Stage Leads or a member of the Senior Leadership Team. If you feel that the complaint is of a formal nature, we ask that you make an appointment with the Principal to discuss your concerns. Once a complaint has been received, we aim to resolve the matter promptly and ensure that a suitable outcome is reached.

If for any reason you feel that your complaint has been unfairly handled or an issue has not been resolved satisfactorily, then we would invite you to follow the next stage of the Complaints Policy.Â